Greetings Open Doors Fans,
It is almost time for our 7th Annual Comedy Parody, "City of Sound", fundraiser on May 2nd, 2009! A spoof on Saturday Night Live and the David Letterman Show, it is a show not to be missed! The youth have put in well over seventy-five hours putting the show together, and it will definitely pay off in the end! See below for information on how to purchase tickets.
In addition to all their hard work on the show, the students joined 900 Cleveland Youth in participating in Global Youth Service Day, volunteering their time at New Life Community this month. Be sure to check out the pictures of the youth working hard below!
Don't miss out on the Open Doors Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, May 10th. Enjoy time with your family, and give back to a worthy organization, without breaking the bank!
Read on to learn more about what the students working on and what great accomplishments our students are working towards!
Sincerest Regards,
Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed. Executive Director
 Enjoy the Musical Talents and Comic Parody of Late Night Entertainment in the Big City Saturday, May 2nd, 2009 6:30pm Roxboro Middle School, Cleveland Heights
Open Doors Academy presents "City of Sound" as its 7th Annual Musical/ Comedy Show and Chinese Auction.
of Sound" is a comedy parody of late night television in New York City
and the diverse stylings of music that can be seen in the city that
never sleeps! It is a show not to be missed!
Tickets: $6 pre-sale/ $10 at the door To order tickets pre-sale, please call (216) 229-1900
Open Doors Students Lift a Helping Hand for Global Youth Service Day
  Devon Cox (left) and Jarrett Gardenhire (right) help carry items from one transitional home to another.
On April 24th, in partnership with Business Volunteers Unlimited and the Cleveland Global Youth Service Day team, the students of Open Doors joined over 900 other Cleveland youth in giving back to the community, through volunteering time with New Life Community. New Life
Community is a nonprofit organization that offers transitional housing to the homeless. In addition, families can get support and necessary training on how
to find a job, how to maintain a budget, how to better care for
their children, and how to start on a path to future successes.

Katie Schnell, Program Director (left), Taylor Edmondson (center), and Renautica Brock help sort and organize donated clothing.
The Open Doors youth spent Friday afternoon, organizing donated clothing, cleaning the kitchen, preparing a mailing, organizing the donations, decorations, and supply closets, and helping clear out over 50 old boxes from the third floor to the trash bin. Together the youth donated 80 hours of service in one day! As a reward for their hard work, students who participated in the service project received two tickets to Sunday's Indian's Game where they joined the other youth involved in 2009's Global Youth Service Day.
 Justin Mack helps move boxes from one space to another.
 The annual Harlan, Kentucky Service Trip is a rite of passage for many of our alumni. It is the reason many of our youth remain in the program for all three years. The opportunity to travel to the Appalachian Mountains to help build homes for families in need has become an annual tradition and a very important part of our curriculum over the last five years. It has become so popular that this coming year, 14 of the graduating 18 eighth graders will be participating on the service trip this summer!
Make no mistake, it is hard work! Youth are awoken at 6:45am each day and work a full seven hours, Monday through Friday. In addition, youth are placed into teams and expected to carry their weight around the cabins. Each team has chores to be completed and take turns preparing meals, cleaning the cabin, and taking care of one another throughout the week. Throughout the week we engage in cultural awareness exercises and experiences, community building, and group processes.
The Harlan Service Learning Trip is not built into the general operating budget for Open Doors and is paid through individual student contribution and corporate scholarships. In order to participate each student must come up with $400 for the full week. This cost covers COAP (Christian Outreach for Appalachian People) administrative fees, food, lodging, and transportation. Open Doors offers full and partial scholarships to youth, based on need and availability of corporate support.
This year, due to the economic recession, Open Doors has been unable to secure corporate support for this project. Although many of our youth have been able to secure funding to participate in this trip, there are still 8 youth who are unable to participate, due to family financial restraints.
Please consider providing a scholarship to a student (partial or full) your support would be greatly appreciated. A Full Scholarship is $400 and covers food, transportation, lodging, and administrative fees for COAP.
To scholarship a youth (partial or full), please send a check payable to Open Doors Academy to:
Open Doors Academy 2460 Fairmount Boulevard, Suite 314 Cleveland, Ohio 44106
To set up a scholarship via credit card, please contact our office at (216) 229-1900.
If you have any questions, please contact Annemarie Grassi at
Mackaela Glenn (left), Jessica Klein (center), and Michelle Williams (right) work on interviews for their student documentary on the life of a middle schooler today IT'S YOUR BUSINESS!
As part of Junior Achievement's "It's Your Business" curriculum, the students of Open Doors developed their own businesses to raise funds to support their end of the year group trip to Kalahari Water Park in June. Each team was expected to generate an idea, establish a budget, and create a business plan that they present to the staff, also known as the, "advisory board". All ideas had to be approved before receiving their initial loan of $100 to get their business off the ground. Read below to learn more about their busy businesses!
Pass the Syrup Please! Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 10th. The students of Open Doors Academy will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Cleveland Heights. As part of the youth's Junior Achievement, It's Your Business project, a group of student decided to coordinate a pancake breakfast, in which the funds raised will go back to Open Doors Academy.
Meet me at the Car Wash One team has determined that the best way to raise funds for their end of the year trip is to hold a car wash on a Friday afternoon after school. Initially the idea was not approved by the "board", due to the fact that last year's event, although profitable, was costly when staff had to be paid over the weekend to help. In response the students came back with the idea of hosting the event during regular program hours on a Friday afternoon. It was immediately approved!
Sweet Tooth FavoriteDon't miss the bake sale of the year! One team has committed to spending a Saturday baking various cookies and breads and then selling them the following Sunday at both St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Fairmount Presbyterian Church. They have researched recipes, budgeted costs and established a system for making a revenue off of their tasty goodies!
Pass Me a Bon Bon!
Do you know the candy of choice for a middle schooler? According to one of our groups it is a french candy, known as Eiffel Bon Bon candies. Both sweet and a little sour, they are a hit at Roxboro Middle School and being savvy business entreprenuers; this team has decided to sell their candies for 25 cents less than that which the school sells the popular candy!
Imani Smith, 6th Grader
What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? Spaghetti
What is your favorite thing to do after school? Sleep
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Go Shopping
What is your favorite subject in school? Language Arts
If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Super Woman
What is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character? Spongebob Square Pants
Who is your greatest inspiration? My mom, because she is a strong woman and she teaches me how to be the same.
What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream? My greatest challenge is to get a 4.0 all year long next year
What do you like most about Open Doors? The kindness that everyone shows
Renita Brock, 8th Grader
What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? Spaghetti and Hot Sauce
What is your favorite thing to do after school? My favorite thing to do after school is Open Doors!
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? My favorite thing do to on the weekend is to hang out with my dad.
What is your favorite subject in school? English
If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Wonder Woman
What is your favorite cartoon character? Power Puff Girls
Who is your greatest inspiration? My Friends and Family
What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream? To go to college
What do you like most about Open Doors? Everything!
Anything else you would like to share? I LOVE OPEN DOORS!
Check out More on Open Doors
Open Doors Academy Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast
When: Sunday, May 10th, 2009
Time: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Where: St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Cost: $6/person, $4/children 3 years and under, and $12/ family of four
your calendars for Sunday, May 10th. The students of Open Doors
Academy will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast at St. Paul's Episcopal
Church in Cleveland Heights. As part of the youth's Junior
Achievement, It's Your Business project, a group of student decided to
coordinate a pancake breakfast, in which the funds raised will go back
to Open Doors Academy and their end of the year trip to Kalahari Water Park. |
Paul Theodore
Program Director
How long have you been with Open Doors? 1 year
Where did you graduate from? Cleveland State University
I Live.... in North Olmstead
Favorite Food: Spaghetti
If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Thor
Favorite Cartoon and/or Cartoon Character? Scooby Doo
Favorite Quote? "Be the change you want to see in the world"
Favorite Middle School Memory? Winning my first wrestling match by pin
Who is your greatest inspiration? My father, because he is the most humble, hardworking, caring individual I have ever known. He puts others before himself and never wants anything in return. He is a great role model and taught me how to be a real man, a great father, husband, brother, and friend.
What is your greatest challenge/ biggest dream? I want to own my own business one day serving children. I also want to employ my family so we can all live together in the same community. Family is the most important piece of my life.
What do you like most about Open Doors? We are one big family!
Donate today to Open Doors Academy! CLICK HERE. All donations are tax deductible.
One on One Tutoring - Tuesday Evenings from 6pm
to 7pm. Work one on one with a student who need additional academic
support. 12 week commitment requested. No prior middle school
experience needed!
Share a Skill, Story, or Talent - Do you
have a law background and would love to teach the art of debate? How
about a financial advisor who can share the importance of understanding
money? Are you a good cook? Creative Artist? We need your talent!
Our middle school students seek out the opportunity to develop
relationships with mentors and strong adult role models. You can be
that role model! Even If you can come in and give of your time even
just once a month, we would welcome you!
If you would like more
information on volunteer opportunities, contact, Paul Theodore, Program
Director, at (216) 320-9563 or
2009 Open Doors Academy Kickball / Dodgeball Tournament SATURDAY OCTOBER 3RD, 2009
