Open Doors Academy February Newsletter
Issue: # 7 February, 2009
madison and marissa

Greetings Open Doors Supporters,

Well we are almost through the winter months and cabin fever is running high amongst the youth.  We are looking forward to warming temperatures and an opportunity to get outside again!  Despite the snow and freezing temperatures, this past month has been a busy one!  The students went bowling, played whirly ball/ laser tag, ran their own pizzeria for a day, and began working on their documentary film, life as a middle school student, which will be showcased in June at one of the local theaters!  There is definitely never a dull moment at Open Doors!

In addition, students picked their theme for the 7th Annual Variety Show in May.  The 2009 theme is "Sounds of the City" with a focus on New York City.  Be prepared for a combination of various styles of music (jazz, hip hop, tap, broadway, break dancing) and a comedy parody on Late Night Television in NYC (think Jay Leno and Saturday Night Live).  It should prove to be a great show!

 I hope you enjoy reading about Walter Quiesser's accomplishments, and Renita Brock's poem for President Barack Obama.  Also, be sure to mark your calendars for the 2009 Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament!  See you in March!

Sincerest Regards,

Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed.  

Executive Director
Save the Date
2009 Open Doors Academy
Kickball / Dodgeball Tournament


kickball dodgeball pic
Open Doors Academy News
Renita making pizza

Renita Brock, 8th grader, spreads the pizza dough, while Mario Wheatley lays foil in the pizza boxes

Mama Mia Pizzeria

On Friday, February 20th the students of Open Doors prepared for the 2nd Annual Pizzeria Fundraiser.  With three hours and 44 pizzas to be made from scratch, aprons were strapped on, responsibilities were delegated, and everyone got down to work.   On this year's menu, when placing your order  you could order Paulo's (Paul Theodore) sweet italian sauce, or you could order Annamaria's (Annemarie Grassi) tangy sicilian sauce.  In addition, rigatoni with your choice of sauce was added to the menu this year.  Upon arrival from school, students buckled down, delegated tasks and managed to successfully pull off another great year of pizza making!  As always, our Super Star Parents, Tisha and Brian Klein showed up to help manage the heaviest production time.  In the end, all pizzas were completed, and the reviews came back positive!   When asked if we would consider doing this every friday.... well... for now I think we are going to stick to once a year!

Girls making pizzas
Marissa Anderson, 7th grader, Madison Andrasko, 6th grader, and Imani Smith, prepare pizza orders

  Alumni in the News
Walter Quiesser
Cadets (From left to right: SSGT Queisser, MSGT Lopez, SMSGT Harris, and CAPT Khouri.) 

Walter Quiesser,
Open Doors Sophomore Alumnus

Last summer I attend National Blue Beret provided in the picture above. In the picture above a color Guard Ceremony is being conducted. In a Color Guard Ceremony the flag is only handled with the best of care, a tremendous amount of precision, there is no room for mistakes; mistakes are unacceptable in this procedure.  After you have preformed an activity like this you feel an abundance of pride for your country your comrades and yourself. I plan enlisting in the Air Force in the future as a fighter pilot, which is my life goal.

This experience was by far the best experience that I have ever participated in. At National Blue Beret we participated in all three Civil Air Patrol missions in one activity. It was the most dangerous activity, which is expected when you are at the worlds largest air show. If you act properly and follow commands then you will be safe and the danger will be minimal. There are props flying around everywhere and planes taxiing on runways in all directions. Are biggest mission was emergency services were we do a multitude of things. The most prevalent one at this event was shutting off elts or emergency locating transmitters. This was a substantially more vigorous task than usual, people liked to play with them, which was expected.

What I took out of this event more than anything is what a real comradery is and true leadership. My comrade Alexander Grendron has been more of a teacher and a leader to me than anyone in my life since Open Doors. The actions preformed by Alexander lead me to the discovery of how to become a more effective leader. Soon after I came back from this event I was able to put my leadership skills to the test. Not only did they prove themselves, but I was also given command of the squadron. I also received praise praised on how far I have come from being not really motivated to showing leadership qualities that were desired.

Open Doors was the ground work for who I am today I would not accredit that to anyone else. I learned many things from my experiences at Open Doors. Today I still look back and evaluate what was successful and what I could work on. Now I truly know what it is like to help people and it feels excellent. I am shot down by people everyday even my own family, but the one thing to remember is to never give up no matter what the costs. If you want something put everything you got into it and your outcome will be pleasing. If you get what you planned out from your hard work or something entirely different it will still bring satisfaction, because you made that attempt. I truly believe in perfection. Perfection takes practice, hard work and excellence.

I now have what it takes to influence a great number of people and I take full advantage of that. If you want to change something you have to start with yourself then you can work on others. I still have a lot of work to do with myself but everyday I get a little closer to changing the environment around me. With encouragement and guidance comes followers and with followers you can accomplish anything. Luckily for me I am a self starter, I don't get influenced by bad decision other people make I learn from them, and apply them to what decision I make. Anyone can influence someone, everyone does influence another in one way or another. You may not know it but if you lead by example others will follow they might not acknowledge it, but the fact that they choose the correct path is what is most pleasing.

 Go out do what it takes. Make the best of your future, prepare. Never step down no matter the cost. Accomplish what you set out to do. Be the very best you can, because each and every person has an opportunity all you have to do is take it. Not everyone has the same resources as another but if you strive for something you will receive it. If anyone needs help with anything just ask I will be more than happy to help. Currently I am working on getting accepted to the Air Force Academy a very prestigious school. The admission process spans for several weeks to a month. My goal is to attend the Air Force Academy and become a fighter pilot through there vigorous courses that test your knowledge, leadership abilities and create the ground work for a successful officer in the United States Air Force.    
Get into the mind of a middle school student  Students of the Month
Taylor ReedTaylor Reed,
 8th Grader

What is your favorite Open Doors Snack?  Macaroni and Cheese

What is your favorite thing to do after school?  Go to Open Doors

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?  Go to the mall or the movies

What is your favorite subject in school? 
Math and English

If you could be a superhero, who would you be? 
Flash from the Incredibles

What is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character? 
Sponge Bob Square Parts

Who is your greatest inspiration?
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream?
 My biggest dream is to become a lawyer

What do you like most about Open Doors? 
I like the snacks and hanging out in the Teen Room

Anything else you would like to share? 
I love all of the Open Doors Staff Members!!

Amber RichardsonAmber Richardson,
7th Grader

What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? Macaroni and Cheese

What is your favorite thing to do after school?  Go over to my friends house

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?  Go shopping and to the movies

What is your favorite subject in school? 

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?  I would be Cat Woman, because she dresses pretty and fights crime!

What is your favorite cartoon character?  Fairly Odd Parents: Timmy Turner, because he is funny when he uses sarcasm

Who is your greatest inspiration?  Nefertiti, because when her husband the Pharoah died she took over his job as a woman!

What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream?  My greatest challenge is staying focused in school, because I can be laxidasical.

What do you like most about Open Doors?  I get time to get my homework done.

Anything else you would like to share? I love chocolate cookies!
In This Issue
Save the Date
Mama Mia Pizzeria
Alumni in the News
Students of the Month
Presidential Reflections
Open Doors Shout Outs
Meet the Staff
renautica and renita
Archived Newsletters

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Barack Obama, by Renita Brock

Barack Obama you're so great!

Barack Obama I hope you'll make,

the world a better place

Help us, help us, if you can;

Help me help them help our men.

Stop the war,

Give to the poor,

And help our Nation.

Not just black, not just white;

Help us boys and girls unite.

Help the schools help the stores,

Help us get through these wars.

Help the homeless, help the people;

Make our world become equal.

Finally and last help our generation,

Help us become one united nation!
the boys

Open Doors Shout Outs

Samantha Adkins, College Freshman at Valdosta State, received recognition in her Human Anatomy and Physiology Class for being the only freshman to score the highest class score in both her exam and practicals.  Samantha was also recently selected to be a Residential Advisor at the University starting in the Fall, 2009.

Lydia Craddock, Junior at Heights High, will be performing in Mahalia at the Cleveland Playhouse with the Cleveland Heights Gospel Choir this month.

Mason Adkins, Junior at Heights High, is currently working for Stratum Energy Technologies as part of their development team.  Mason helps  build pieces for, assembles, and run machines that produce
batteries.  They are currently in production of the first fully functional battery.  Once created, the battery will be substantially cheaper then the competitors, and will have the same efficiency, if not more.

Trent Bailey, Sophomore, Liam Corrigan, Junior, Dwight Williams, Senior, Miles Walker, Senior, and Kareen Sanders, Sophomore at Heights High will be playing Lacrosse at Heights High this spring.  For many this is their third and fourth year playing with the team. 

Walter Quiesser, Sophomore at Aurora, is a Senior Master Sargeant in the Civil Air Patrol.  Walter received his Varsity Letter in football after his team won the division 3 State Championship.  In addition, Walter has accomplished 100 hours of community service in the last year!

Ajia Mason, Freshman at Heights High, will be touring with the Heights Symphony and Band in California this month!

Avery Tucker, Senior at Heights High, and Alex Miller, Junior at Heights High, won third place in the Northeast Ohio Ensemble Contest, performing Benjamin Britton's Simple Symphony: Boisterous Bouree. 
Meet the Staff

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith
Mediation Facilitator

How long have you been with Open Doors? Since October, 2008

Where did you graduate from?
I completed my undergraduate at Hiram College and my graduate work at  Baldwin-Wallace College

I Live.... in Cleveland Heights, but I represent Kent, Treehouse, USA

Favorite Food:

If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Dr. Doom

Favorite Cartoon and/or Cartoon Character?  Simpsons

Favorite Quote? "We must be the change we wish to see in the world" - Gandhi

Favorite Middle School Memory?
Before I was allowed to play football, I had to play on the soccer team in the 7th grade.  I didn't want to play, but I ended up starting and bening oneof the better players on the team. 

Who is your greatest inspiration? 
  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What do you like most about Open Doors? I have enjoyed the opportunity to work with such a talented group of students and staff members.  Everyone here has taught me so much!

Anything else you would like to share?
 When it comes to connect four and basketball, I don't think there is an Open Doors student that can take me.  If any students feel that they can challenge me, you know where to find me:)

8th grade boys

Donate today to
Open Doors Academy!
All donations are tax deductible. 

Sydni and Mackaela




One on One Tutoring - Tuesday Evenings from 6pm to 7pm.  Work one on one with a student who need additional academic support.  12 week commitment requested.  No prior middle school experience needed!

Share a Skill, Story, or Talent - Do you have a law background and would love to teach the art of debate?  How about a financial advisor who can share the importance of understanding money?  Are you a good cook?  Creative Artist?  We need your talent!

Our middle school students seek out the opportunity to develop relationships with mentors and strong adult role models. You can be that role model!  Even If you can come in and give of your time even just once a month, we would welcome you!

If you would like more information on volunteer opportunities, contact,
 Paul Theodore, Program Director,
at (216) 320-9563 or