Happy New Year!
I hope that 2009 presents the start of a great year filled with opportunities and growth! The past year has been challenging, with the struggling economic environment, and the many changes we have seen society endure. In this time we have seen many non-profit organizations close their doors, or have to make significant sacrifices that have compromised their programs. We are extremely grateful for the continuing support of our donors and stakeholders. In a time, where we needed your support the most, you came through. Your continued support through this turbulent time has held us afloat and allowed us to continue to offer high quality programming throughout the last year, without having to cut staff and/ or major programming components. We are grateful to you for your support!
As we move into 2009, we are excited about the many prospects that lie ahead. As you read the article on "What Makes Open Doors Unique", I hope you will consider the opportunity to come in and see our program in action. Our doors are open to you! Also, be sure to catch up on our students of the month! Stay warm!
Sincerest Regards,
Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed. Executive Director
6th Grader Julian Willis brings math to life under the instruction of volunteer, Evelyn Sallee
What Makes Open Doors Academy Unique?
We are often asked the question, "what makes Open Doors unique?", and "what separates you from other organizations?" These question can be answered in many different ways. We could point to our metrics which demonstrate significant growth across the board, both short -term growth and long-term growth. We could point out that 14 of our graduating seniors are preparing for college in the fall. We could show that our small staff to child ratio, allows for greater opportunities to build relationships between staff and youth as well as maintain a more structured and engaging environment. We could also point to our curriculum and the emphasis we place on building community, or as our youth reference it "family". These are all critical components that make our program unique. However, independently, they are only a piece of the puzzle. Together, they make up the Open Doors Model, a model that is both unique and holistic in nature.
If you have ever had or been a teenager you are likely to recall those often treacherous years that often involve a roller coaster of emotions, hormones, and endless need to be accepted by one's peers while still developing a sense of independence and uniqueness in one's own self. These years are often presented as the most difficult years an individual endures. They are also the most lonely years, as teens tend to turn inward to deal with these changes. In response to these needs, Open Doors developed a model that embraces those challenges that youth face.
Jayla Meyers, 6th grader, and Halle Sallam (6th grader) test their ability to defy gravity with the egg parachute drop (left). Kate Miller, 8th grader, makes it to the third level as she prepares to launch her egg from the ladder (right).
The Open Doors Program Model
is designed to support the resiliency model
which incorporates positive social interactions with teens and adults, setting and
communicating high expectations, providing caring and supportive relationships, teaching life
skills, and setting clear and consistent boundaries. In order to best implement
the programming; all staff are trained in the youth resiliency model and
receive continuous professional development opportunities to ensure that
programming is implemented both properly and successfully. All programming is set up to be highly interactive, engaging, and includes both community building, and opportunities for individual growth and success.
 Adekoya Truitt - Obebe, 6th grader, reacts to finding a crack in her egg as Cameron Mack, 6th Grader, and Jeff Harrell, Mediation Facilitator look on to determine if it is moving on to round three in the egg drop tournament.
The most critical component of the model is the community building component. Open Doors firmly believes in the development of
leadership, responsibility of civic and community engagement, and a sense of community
belonging amongst adolescents. One of the organization's strongest areas is its ability to create a safe and welcoming
community where youth can "remove their masks" and be themselves. In this environment, students are able to
express themselves, challenge each other, and begin developing their sense of
self, their commitment to themselves and to others, and their responsibility to
the community as a whole. Open Doors is
firmly grounded in the principal of teaching a child about their civic
responsibilities and their responsibility to give back to the community. In order to address these issues, Open Doors
engages its youth in a variety of programming that promotes intellectual
thinking, engagement in the community, and service to others. 90%
of reported Open Doors alumni stated that they believe that Open Doors helped
them build a better relationship with the community as a whole.
Although each component of the model is equally important, the individual pieces together are what make Open Doors both highly successful and unique!
Our Doors are Open To You! If you would like to schedule a visit to one of our programs, please contact Annemarie Grassi at agrassi@opendoorsacademy.org or (216) 229-1900.
Open Doors Academy
Prepares to Launch a New Website!
In March, 2009. Thanks to the generous donation of an Open Doors supporter, we will launch a brand new website. This website will serve as both an informational as well as interactive communication tool for us and our stakeholders. A few of the new features will include:
- Online student registration
- Student/ Parent/ Alumni Log in pages with student profiles and opportunities to interface through blogs, discussion boards, and the infamous "shout out" boards.
- Interactive calendar of events
- Direct on-line donation page, as well as, online registration for the Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament and an online auction for our Spring Fundraiser!
- Meet the staff page with information on our team
- Enhanced photo gallery
- Archived Newsletters and Media Clippings
- Plus Much More... Stay Tuned...
Open Doors Students say thank you for all of the great gifts we received from all of our supporters!
NOVEMBER 2008 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Madison Andrasko, 6th Grader
What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? Macaroni and Cheese
What is your favorite thing to do after school? Come to Open Doors!
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Going to the mall
What is your favorite subject in school? Tech Education
If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Superwoman
What is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character? Sponge Bob Square Pants
Who is your greatest inspiration? My sister Mary Jane. Mary Jane is my inspiration because she is beautiful, smart, and I love her!
What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream? My biggest dream is to become a nurse.
What do you like most about Open Doors? My Friends!
Christopher Taylor, 6th Grader
What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? Macaroni and Cheese
What is your favorite thing to do after school? Play Games
What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Play sports and talk to friends
What is your favorite subject in school? Math
What is your favorite cartoon character? Jerry from Tom and Jerry
Who is your greatest inspiration? Will Smith, because he has accomplished so much in his life.
What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream? To become a lawyer
What do you like most about Open Doors? All the people you meet.
 Jeremie Sims, 8th Grader
What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? Macaroni and CheeseWhat is your favorite thing to do after school? playing basketballWhat is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Going on dates with my current girlfriendWhat is your favorite subject in school? Social StudiesIf you could be a superhero, who would you be? I would want to be myself with Superman powersWhat is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character? Sponge Bob Square Pants - Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, and Sponge BobWho
is your greatest inspiration? My brother Jason. Even though he past away, he taught me a lot about life. What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream? My biggest dream is to live happily, play for the NBA, pass away peacefully, and go to heaven. What do you like most about Open Doors? The thing I like most about Open Doors is Leadership Training Camp. Anything else you would like to share? I would like to say THANKS 4 Open Doors. I really think you all are trying your hardest and doing a great job with us teens!
Joy Mitchell, 8th Grader
What is your favorite Open Doors Snack? SpaghettiWhat is your favorite thing to do after school? Teen Talk and Homework at Open DoorsWhat is your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Hanging out with my friendsWhat is your favorite subject in school? Math If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Super WomanWhat is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character? Sponge Bob Square PantsWhat
is your greatest challenge or biggest dream? To be a general surgeonWhat do you like most about Open Doors? It is something to do and hang out with your friends after school. Anything else you would like to share? I enjoy listening to music and playing games.

Thank you to all who have contributed to the Open Doors Annual Campaign. Your support has helped us raise over $30,000 to benefit the students of Open Doors! We are over half way to our goal! THANK YOU! A special thanks to:
A.G. Merriman, Jr. Arthur Mayer Alice Robbins Bill & Sandra Powell Bob & Amanda Matthews Bryan Seekely Ann Sherif Barbara J. Hoekstra Betsy Nagy Brian and Cynthia Murphy Bruce & Virginia Taylor Christine M. Sumner Christopher E. Smythe Cynthia Paradies Huang David and Pamela O'Halloran Debra Anderson Dennis F. Schwartz Dennis & Stephanie Jackson Dolores K. Minter Donald & Elizabeth Saunders Donald & Maribeth Katt Donna M. Driscoll Donna S. Reid Dorothy Greenslade Dr. Greg & Sharon Watts Dr. Raymond Lezak Drs. John & Elizabeth Feighan Elizabeth Breckenridge Ella H. Quintrell Ensign & Lana Cowell Evie R. & Stephen M. Morris Georgianna Roberts Gerald Sgro & Heather Ways Gladys Haddad Henry and Mary Doll Henry Obermanns Holly B. Henry J. Adin Mann, Jr. & Arlene Mann James & Katherine Quinn James L. Bayman Jim & Janet Reuter Jamie & Kathy Hogg James & Karen Dakin Jeanor & Donald Gype Jerry and Joanne Medinger Joel and Jean Rathbone John W. Houdek John Leibert & Sylvia Karson John & Sally Schulze John & Peg Zitzner John & Sally Morley Joe and Anne Juster Lael Stone Lee & Emily Chilcote Linda Macklin Lucille Weingartner Lynne Ramsey & Jeffery Irvine Margaret O. Neilsen Martha E. Hickox Marty and Brent Young Mary Stone Michael & Meredith Weil Patience Hoskins Qwest Communications Richard T. Watson Reubben Harris, Jr. Richard & Diane Gent Richard Clewell Robert & Catherine Scallen Brown Robert & Joan Warmeling Robert & Nancy Deitrich Sandra R. Davis Suber & Cynthia Huang Susan Kent Susan & John Kenney The Cyrus Eaton Foundation The George W. Codrington Foundation Thomas & Amy Zipp Tom Piraino & Barbara McWilliams Walter Kalberer William & Rita Bruce
Also, a Special Thank You to all who purchased gifts from the Open Doors Holiday Wish List. We were overwhelmed by your gracious support. Thank you to...
Amy Asseff Brian & Latisha Klein Catherine Albers Catherine Sotiriou Claudia Fulton Debbie Elliott Dr. Elizabeth Patterson James Bingay Jenny B. Azouri Kathryn Brenneman Stacey Quinn Tiffany Boyes
 Who's Who In Open Doors?
Cornelius Pewu, 8th grader, received honorable mention at Model UN while representing the country Russia.
Kyle Finnegan, 8th grader, received an honorable mention and was awarded #1 delegate for his representation of Venezuela.
Kyle Finnegan was also the recipient of Benedictine's Principal Award. Through this award, Kyle will receive a four year scholarship to high school.
Cameron Mack, 6th grader, made 10 sacks and 16 tackles in the Pop Warner Football League. Cameron's team went undefeated (17-0) and won the national championship. Cameron is proud of his 16 trophies from his various victories throughout the season.
Tony Smith, 8th grader, scored 4 goals and 2 assists in the Cleveland Classic Soccer League. |
Debra Klein,
Organizational Coordinator
How long have you been with Open Doors? This is my 8th Year
Where did you graduate from? Cleveland State University
Where do you currently reside? Cleveland Heights
I Live.... by grabbing opportunities when they present themselves.
Favorite Food: Almost Everything! Especially ice cream, chinese, pizza, and dark chocolate
If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Zena, Warrior Princess
Favorite Quote? "No one can make you feel bad without your permission" Eleanor Roosevelt
Favorite Middle School Memory? When I wore a "Kiss me I am Irish" button and a really cute 9th grader kissed me! (I was a brand new 7th grader and I wasn't even Irish!)
Who is your greatest inspiration? Different people inspire me in different ways. I have a poet friend who inspires me with her courageous honesty and another friend for her loving energy.
What do you like most about Open Doors? Nature Walks!!
Donate today to Open Doors Academy! CLICK HERE. All donations are tax deductible.
One on One Tutoring - Tuesday Evenings from 6pm
to 7pm. Work one on one with a student who need additional academic
support. 12 week commitment requested. No prior middle school
experience needed!
Share a Skill, Story, or Talent - Do you
have a law background and would love to teach the art of debate? How
about a financial advisor who can share the importance of understanding
money? Are you a good cook? Creative Artist? We need your talent!
Our middle school students seek out the opportunity to develop
relationships with mentors and strong adult role models. You can be
that role model! Even If you can come in and give of your time even
just once a month, we would welcome you!
If you would like more
information on volunteer opportunities, contact, Paul Theodore, Program
Director, at (216) 320-9563 or ptheodore@opendoorsacademy.org