Open Doors Academy October Newsletter
Issue: # 4 October, 2008
kickball group pic
Dear Open Doors Supporters, 

What a month!  In the last 30 days, Open Doors students have had many adventures!  We closed out the month of September with our Annual Camping Trip, spent the afternoon at the Cleveland Foodbank in the beginning of October, and just celebrated a true success in our First Annual Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament!  There is plenty to find in the newsletter this month! 

Don't forget to click on the link to see the pictures from the Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament and check out the Open Doors Holiday Wishlist at the bottom of the newsletter.  Most importantly, don't forget to read up on our students of the month, and Alumnus, Marcus Driscoll, who shares what it means to be a volunteer for Open Doors.  I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather and the many colors that autumn brings.  Be sure to vote on November 4th and get ready for next month's report from the students on their political perspectives!

Annemarie M. Grassi, M.S.Ed.  
Executive Director
2008 Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament

Whoever said Middle School students couldn't compete
with the adults in a Kickball/ Dodgeball Tournament......

Kids playing kickball

... must never have met the middle school students of Open Doors Academy!

As one adult was quoted, after being eliminated from the tournament...
"Those kids are tough, I didn't know they could be so hard core!"

dodgeball action

Open Doors Students rocked the field with one of the two teams winning second place in Dodgeball, dominating over several of the adult teams!

Congratulations to our winning teams!!!



80's group picture




A Special Thank You to our Celebrity Referees:

Sam Sylk, Cleveland's Z107.9
Harry Boomer, WOIO 19 News
Richard Zoom Scott, Urban Flix

Also, a Special Thank You to our 2008 Sponsors

urbanflixRepublic Logo

Open Doors News
Open Doors' 2008 Camp Out
Kathryn Schnell, Program Director

On the evening of Friday, September 26th, St. Paul's Church's front lawn was transformed into the Open Doors' campground for our 7th annual camp-out.  The evening began with the boys playing football,the girls mingling, and everyone working together to pitch over twenty large tents!  New staff member, Jeff Harrell and parent volunteer, Tyrone Reed, worked the grill and served up over 100 hotdogs.  Following dinner, Open Doors students and staff members had fun popping out from behind bushes and trees to scare one another, and the Murder in the Dark, was a must!

Later in the evening, students toasted (or burnt in many cases) marshmallows over the fire pit and played night games including Man Hunt and Capture the Flag. The night was topped off when students bundled up in sleeping bags and blankets to watch a movie under the stars.  Many a car on Fairmount Boulevard slowed down to witness the sight of all of the fun activities and numerous tents.  Open Doors' student, Madison Androsko, stated that the camp-out "was fun and I learned to get along with other people."


At 4am, the last sounds were heard coming from a tent full of boys, giggling over girls, and having theoretical conversations on the history of religion!  Parents and staff members stayed up into the wee hours of the night watching over the campgrounds, talking politics and laughing.  Special props to Abra and Annemarie for staying up all night!  The next morning, students were up and at 'em by 8am.  Students enjoyed a breakfast of cereal, bagels, and eggs before departing for home- hopefully to take a warm shower and a long nap. 

Thank you to all of the parents, staff, community supporters, and students that made the Open Doors Camp-Out 2008 a success!

Students in the News
Tyler Poston, 8th grader

What is your favorite Open Doors Snack?  Mini Pizzas

What is your favorite thing to do after school?  Play Outside

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?  Play Games

What is your favorite subject in school?  Math

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?  I don't want to because their strengths are also strong weaknesses

What is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character?  Tom the Cat

Who is your greatest inspiration?  My Mom, because she is a hard worker and fun to be around.

What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream?  To go to Oklahoma University and play football for them.

What do you like most about Open Doors?  It is a place where I can take my mask off and be myself.

Jessica Klein, 6th Grader

What is your favorite Open Doors Snack?  Hot chocolate and Spaghetti

What is your favorite thing to do after school?  Go to Open Doors

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?  Play with my friends

What is your favorite subject in school?  Art

If you could be a superhero, who would you be?  A make-up superhero -  I would go around giving people makeovers who need them

What is your favorite cartoon/ cartoon character?  Betty Boop

Who is your greatest inspiration?  My mom, because I can always talk to her

What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream?  To become rich and have a house entirely decorated in Hello Kitty

What do you like most about Open Doors?  The Field Trips

Holiday Wish List

Santa and JeremieOpen Doors Holiday
Wish List

The Holidays are around the corner..

Give a gift to a friend, by giving a gift to Open Doors Academy
Help us fill our cabinets with much needed supplies this Holiday Season!

It is so easy!  Simply order the gift from our Target Holiday Wish List below,  and it will ship it to us directly!

Click Here to View the List:


  1. Many companies/ organizations adopt a family for the holidays.. consider asking your company to  adopt Open Doors!
  2. Purchase a gift from Open Doors on behalf of a family member/ friend.  We will send them a card to thank them for the gift you gave on their behalf.
  3. Simply add Open Doors to your holiday shopping list~ mom, dad, brother, Open Doors!

In This Issue
2008 Kickball/ Dodgeball Wrap Up
Open Doors Camping Trip
Students of the Month
Return on Investment Open Doors Metrics
Alumni in the News
Quick Links

Who's Who In Open Doors?
Sydney Davenport, a member of the Sims Raiders Chearleading Squad  is preparing for the MUNY League Chearleading Competition in November. She has been practicing 6 days a week for the competition.  Keep up the good work Sydney!


Angela Neal
Michael Littlejohn
Keith Moehring
Eric Purcell
Matt Rodak
Terrence Jones
Heather Poston
Frances Bachman
Wes Koontz
Hugh Williams
Robyne Alexander


Pizza Bogo
Anthony E. Smith
Return on Investment
Return on Investment
Open Doors 2008 Evaluation
(Part 2 of 3)


In part two of a three part series, Open Doors demonstrates academic success among both its' students and graduated alumni. 

Open Doors Evaluation reports that as a result of their experience with Open Doors students indicate that they enjoy school more and participate in completing their homework more. 

  • 50% Open Doors students hold a 3.0 GPA or higher
  • 22% Open Doors students hold between a 2.0 and a 2.99 GPA
  • 85% Open Doors students received "Marked Effort" or "Excellent Effort" in attitude marks
A survey conducted amongst Open Doors Alumni showed that 90% of alumni felt that Open Doors had influenced them.
  • 100% of reported alumni believed that Open Doors helped me to organizse my academic priorities
  • 100% of alumni believe that Open Doors provided and still provide me with a safe space to go in case I am in trouble or need to discuss an important issue.
  • 90% of alumni believe that Open Doors helped them build friendships with other kids where they can help them.
  • 100% of alumni believe that Open Doors helped them build relationships with adults where they could trust them.
  • 90% of alumni believe that Open Doors helped them build a better relationship with the community as a whole
  • 90% of alumni trust Open Doors Staff
  • 90% of alumni continue to help others in the community
  • 100% of alumni think that they will be a successful adult
Next Month's Issue - Summative responses and observations

If you would like to receive a full copy of the 2008 Open Doors Evaluation, please email Annemarie M. Grassi to request a copy. 
Alumni in the News
marcus picThe Open Doors Volunteer Experience

By Marcus Driscoll, Open Doors Sophomore Alumni

I have been involved with Open Doors for five years.  This is my second year volunteering at Open Doors.  I like to go to Open Doors after school because I get to hang out with the staff and my friends.  I also get the opportunity to help students with their homework and their problems, which makes me feel good.  Each day I help the staff walk students from school to Open Doors, help students with homework, and help Ms. Debra prepare snack.  I also get to help lead activities.  In my job, I have to be a good role model for the kids.  I have to remain calm, even if the kids start to bug me! 

I have learned many things being a volunteer.  I have learned to handle my problems without fighting, I have learned to get along with all people, not just those who are easy to get along with.  I have also learned job skills, like being on time and demonstrating responsibility. 

I think I am a good volunteer.  Last year I won the volunteer of the year award, and I hope to win it again!  Open Doors is a great place for me.  It is a privilege for me to be at Open Doors as a volunteer.  Volunteering helps me give back to the community.  It makes me think of people other than myself.  I like helping and teaching other kids.  When I grow up, I think I want to be a Big Brother in Big Brothers Big Sisters, so I can be a big brother to a kid like me.  Thank you Open Doors for all that you do!
Meet the Staff
Jeff Harrell

Jeff Harrell,
Mediation Facilitator

How long have you been with Open Doors?
2 months

Where did you graduate from?
Kent State University

Where do you currently reside?
 Cleveland Heights (just bought our first home!)

Favorite Food: Pizza

If you could be a superhero, who would you be? Superman

Favorite Cartoon or Cartoon Character?
South Park

Favorite Quote? "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

Favorite Middle School Memory?
Winning the conference championship in football

Who is your greatest inspiration? 
My mother, because she is the strongest and most resilient person I know.

What is your greatest challenge or biggest dream?  My greatest challenge is to be the best husband and father I can possibly be.

What do you like most about Open Doors? 
The good people involved in the program, from the students to the staff. 

Open Doors Academy
 2008 Scholarship Fund




Help Impact the Future of a Child by giving to the Open Doors Scholarship Fund

Help us meet our 2008 scholarship goal of raising $50,000 in individual gifts. 

Be a part of something Big!  No donation is too big or too small!
 Consider a donation... $5, $10, $20... Help us reach our goal of $50,000 to support the 2008 Scholarship Fund! 

To Donate,
CLICK HERE.   All donations are tax deductible. 






One on One Tutoring - Tuesday Evenings from 6pm to 7pm.  Work one on one with a student who need additional academic support.  12 week commitment requested.  No prior middle school experience needed!

Share a Skill, Story, or Talent - Do you have a law background and would love to teach the art of debate?  How about a financial advisor who can share the importance of understanding money?  Are you a good cook?  Creative Artist?  We need your talent!

Our middle school students seek out the opportunity to develop relationships with mentors and strong adult role models. You can be that role model!  Even If you can come in and give of your time even just once a month, we would welcome you!

If you would like more information on volunteer opportunities, contact,
 Paul Theodore, Program Director, at
(216) 320-9563 or