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 "Your opponent, in the end, is never really the player on the other side of the net, or the swimmer in the next lane, or the team on the other side of the field, or even the bar you must high jump. Your opponent is yourself, your negative internal voices, your level of determination."

-Grace Lichtenstein 

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Champions BYTES  

March 24, 2010 
Are You Going to Let a Nine-Year-Old Outdo or Inspire You?
"He who is faithful in a very little [thing] is faithful also in much, and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing] is dishonest and unjust also in much.  Therefore if you have not been faithful in the [case of] unrighteous mammon (*deceitful riches, money, possessions), who will entrust to you the true riches?  And if you have not proved faithful IN THAT WHICH BELONGS TO ANOTHER [whether God or man], who will give you that which is your own [that is, *the true riches]?"-Jesus Christ   
Are you faithful or proven in "little" things?
As leaders, we must be faithful over little, before God will entrust us with "big" things.
We all want the big hit, the big stage, the big chance, the game winning shot, the grand slam.  But God looks on our heart to see if we are willing to first lay down "sacrifice" bunts necessary to advance others in life.
In baseball, a sacrifice bunt is when the batter will put the ball into play with the intention of advancing a teammate (in better position to score), in exchange for being thrown out (an at bat.) 
In the diamond field called life, we must take advantage of every at bat (AB), every phone call, every employee, every member, every opportunity, conversation and presentation.  Never give up a chance to listen, influence, advance someone, speak into, pray for or touch someone's life.
Every runner on base or teammate counts. 
When was the last time you put someone else (besides yourself) in the position to score? 
The truth is, you and I will be dead a lot longer than we will be alive.  Therefore, the decisions we make, the people we reach on earth are crucial.  Our leadership affects the destinies of nations.
The Hebrew writer wrote in chapter 2:10: "For it was an act worthy [of God] and fitting [to the divine nature] that He, FOR WHOSE SAKE AND BY WHOM ALL THINGS HAVE THEIR EXISTENCE, in bringing many sons into glory, should make the Pioneer of their salvation perfect [should bring to maturity the human experience necessary TO BE PERFECTLY EQUIPPED FOR HIS OFFICE as High Priest] through suffering."
We will only pioneer or be equipped to lead something great through suffering. 
We master the human experience through the things we undergo or suffer. defines that word "suffering" as: 
  • To sustain injury, disadvantage, or loss
  • To undergo, to be subjected to, or endure (pain, distress, injury, loss, or anything unpleasant)
  • To tolerate (action, process, change or conditions)
  • To carry, stomach, stand, or permit something to happen in your life.
Have you ever sustained a disadvantage in the workplace or your life?
Have you ever been subjected to painful loss or anything unpleasant?
Then you are a prime candidate for leadership.
To lead someone else through what you have just come out of.  Our pastor said this past Sunday: "Adversity signifies advance." 
Jesus learned obedience through the things He "suffered."  He laid His life down to master the human experience for us. 
Who or what will you lay your life down for? 
I am not speaking about a physical death, yet I am; A death to carnal, generational bad habits that are trying to make you no different from the previous generation.  We must conquer the giants that "killed" our parents (the giants they failed to drive out.)
Whatever you are called to pioneer, do what you can do now.  
You are required to produce a spirit of faithfulness.  God said, "If you are faithful over the talents I have given you (and not slothful), I will make you ruler over cities in proportion to your measure of increase."
But you must begin to do something with the plans or dreams that are in your heart.
Four days ago, my nine-year-old son, Josiah, asked: "Daddy, if I make you a website, will you pay me?"  I didn't want to discourage his creativity so I said yes (although we already have one.)  I told him how often, I teach people how to land their dream job by creating personal websites with results from previous employment, writing samples, artwork, testimonials, letters of recommendation, etc.
This morning, he gave me an index card and said, "Daddy, this is my website; take a look at it when you have a chance (YOU GOTTA SEE THIS - CLICK HERE.) 
Needless to say, I was shocked.  Because I have talked to some unemployed men in dire financial straights about building a resume and they still haven't done it.  Honestly, I have no idea how he even found a company to create one, but he did and even supplied his own written content.  This little boy amazes me.  He did more in one day than some people do in ten years.
Today, will he outdo or inspire you?
You must do something that boldly says to God, "If you will give me the training center, if you give me the halfway house, if you give me the ministry, school, hospital, land, gymnasium or business, THIS IS WHAT I WILL DO WITH IT."   
  • If you dream of a book deal, purchase some editing software and layout a sample chapter weekly (the napkins and scribbled on notebooks don't count)
  • If you desire to be a recording contract, design your CD cover, get your songs copy written, produced or remixed to access continuous fresh flows of creativity in your life.
  • If you want your own business, build a mock website of how it would look (what your mission statement would be, products and services, etc.)
  • If you desire to build a school to mentor young people in inner cities, start volunteering at the local boys and girls club, YMCA, in the youth department at your church.
In other words, stick the key in, turn the ignition on and start going somewhere.
You don't credit for just having keys to a car.  You must accelerate and drive the vehicle God has given you to arrive at your destination. If you go in the wrong direction, like a global positioning system (GPS) the Spirit of God will say, "recalculating" and be the voice in your ear, saying go left, go right, this is the way.
Don't think you can remote in to your destiny.
God didn't.  Over two thousand years ago, He left a throne in Heaven to lay down a sacrifice play and get you into position to score.
Copyright 2010, Ed Norwood