Embracing Eternity In Time August 2009

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August 25th - 26th - Summer Theological Intensive at Harvard University

September 12th - 12th - Sons, Daughters, & Covenant Partners Convocation , Charlotte-Concord, NC.

Saturday, September 19th - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm - The International Alliance of Bishops will sponsor "Leadership Training Day" at Philippian Community Church, Raleigh, NC. The topic will be Marriage in Ministry vs Ministry in Marriage featuring Overseer Judy Turner and Bishop D Myles Golphin. Email: [email protected] for more details.

November 4th - 7th -Living In Favor Global Network Churches & Ministries invite you to our Living In Favor Annual Conference to be held in Balti more, MD . Plan to Attend.

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The International Alliance of Bishops

Grace & Peace

Grace & Peace From God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ. This month my focus is to explore aspects of the mythical nature of the church. I want to develop some kind of dialogue of interest in kingdom building for the people of God to grasp. I pray that my commentary is thought provoking and action related.

I pray that my vision for LIF Global Network prepares soldiers for kingdom warfare. Prayer requests are pouring in from around the world concerning the global attacks on religious freedom and economic trouble. While here in the United States the moral decay is rapidly reiterating. Continue to pray for global ministry around the world. My Global Kingdom Governors will be preparing to sponsor some global prayer rallies soon.

Get MY ARCHIVE NEWSLETTERS by going to this link.

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  • Christianity has so many diverse compositions to it sometimes one can get confused over the very nature and essence of its reality. It really makes one wonder, if we can't internally define who we are, we can't externally witness about what we are? That being said I want to proceed to make some sense of and express some clarity to the origin and nature of the church. The church of Jesus Christ has progressed from a small group of Jewish believers to a diverse world-wide body of Christians echoing the message of the kingdom of God to a lost world. The fact that sometimes we forget or try to ignore our Jewish roots doesn't help. Actually what the church has experienced for over two millenniums is ethic, religious, and class profiling.

    So let's explore some basic principles for insight. The essentials to consider as to the composition of what a church consist of:

    1. Its Origin
    2. Its Mission

    These two factors offer close insight as to the intention of the church. Origin is defined as the point at which something comes into existence, dealing with the basic qualities of its character, and distinguishing the essence of its beginning. From there we derive a history. Origin then relates to basic character. Many uninformed people have expressed their misunderstanding of a church and their definitions are either incorrect or inadequate while missing the revelation of what the church really is.

    The most common perception of a church is a building; either implied or spoken to those outside of the corporate structure of the church or those members who are partakers of the fellowship. It is easy to see how one can mistake the building or the meeting place as the church. It's imperative that we do not forget that there were churches long before there were buildings. The Early Church understood the concept as a mystical entity. That being the case, the first church buildings were not constructed until near the end of the second century (290 A.D.). The New Testament describes the church as the body of Christ composed of all the redeemed of all the ages and at no time does this usage refer to a specific body of people or a geographical place (1Cor.12:12-13; Eph.2:19-22).

    The Greek word, Ecclesia is "an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting; whether in a city or a home this makeup constitutes a company of people united into one body, defined as a civil body of called or elected people".

    The term mission indicates "the divine activity of sending intermediaries, whether supernatural or human, to speak or do God's Will that His purposes for judgment or redemption are furthered." The biblical concept is expressed by the use of verbs meaning "to send," with God as the expressed subject. The Hebrew verb is "salah" and the Greek word "apostello". The emphasis is the authoritative commissioning relationship involved.

    The scriptures also employ the cognate's apostolos ("apostle" the one sent), apostole ("apostleship" the function of being sent), indicating the one sent and his function. In modern times we want to use the root words like "apostle" to define position rather than function. In reality, a missionary is in fact the modern example of the ancient term. Not only were these people sent out but many were martyred for the Faith.

    The biblical concept for "mission" is to understand:

    1. The authority of the one who sends (Jesus Christ)
    2. The obedience of the ones sent (Missionaries)
    3. The task to be accomplished (Evangelism)
    4. The power to accomplish the task (The Holy Spirit)

    All of this is done within the moral structure of God's promise of judgment and redemption. The primary mission in the early church was to clarify its purpose and its nature. Those appointed are sent forth with this burden. As the apostles reflected on the Savior the Father commissioned (Jesus Christ), they highlighted the motive, context, task, and result of His mission.

    I don't believe Christianity is reduced to arguing over the fine points of salvation within elite circles of division. What is more interesting is how many diverse doctrinal perspectives there are. The church of Jesus Christ must get a grip on the Kingdom mandate with a redemptive flair.

    So then, just what is the Kingdom of God? The idea is so pervasive in Scripture that it is very difficult to be comprehensive. The kingdom of God is the sphere in which the Lord reigns-that is-the place where his sovereignty and dominion express themselves. There is a lot that can be said in trying to give a definition though. It must be asserted that the kingdom of God is not a place-though we usually think of kingdoms in geographic terms. It is better understood in terms of the dynamic reign of God in the heart and minds of His subjects.

    Let me conclude with three aspects which can be defined as the essence of the kingdom:

    1. The supremacy of God in the sphere of saving power
    2. The sphere of righteousness
    3. The state of blessedness

    Paul says, "The kingdom of God is . . . in power" (1 Cor. 4:20). It is interesting to note that when the kingdom is preached, it is often associated with verbs of motion. Just as in Matthew's Gospel we read verbs such as enter, seek, cast out, suffers violence, come upon, gather out, and come (translating three different Greek verbs). The metaphoric language of a physical kingdom helps us to conceptualize the relationship the body of Christ has to God's sovereignty.

    The Church has advanced in its conception of a kingdom from a Jewish nation in the 1st century; to a Jewish city in the 10th century (Jerusalem); to an Israeli nation in 1948 (Israel); to a prosperous nation (USA) today. All these insights has not led us to the mandate of kingdom building Jesus has mandated for us to achieve.


    Copyright � 2001-2009, Dennis M. Golphin. All Rights Reserved. LIF is a trademark of Living In Favor Global Network. Dr Dennis M. Golphin is the visionary for LIF Global Network and he is a bishop, worship leader, musician, and professor. With over 46 years in the ministry and formal training for over 25 years, he has positioned himself as a spiritual father, prolific teacher, and international leader in the Body of Christ. Please inform us of reprints by sending e-mail to [email protected] or dropping a note to Dr. Dennis M. Golphin, P.O. Box 20801, Raleigh, NC 27619, USA

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    LIF Kingdom Governors Conference

    November 4th - 7th, 2009 -Living In Favor Global Network Churches & Ministries invite you to share with us at Power of Faith Church, Balti more, MD - for a time of refreshing Praise & Worship, signs and wonders, and powerful teaching with Apostle Willie Coates, Bishop Sandy T. Burks, along with Remant and Pastor Darryl Elliott and Latter Rain. Plan to Attend.


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