Embracing Eternity In Time May 2009

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The International Alliance of Bishops will sponsor a Pre-Pentecost Celebration, Saturday, May 30th. Click here for more information IAB Pentecost Celebration

Living In Favor Global Network Churches & Ministries invite you to our Living In Favor Annual Conference will be helld in Baltimore, MD this year. The dates are Wednesday, November 4h - Saturday, November 7th. Plan to Attend.

Mypsalm23.com offers a wide range of services for those who are experiencing grief as the result of the death of a loved one and needs comfort. Our services include Online Living Memorials, for those who wish to register with us and create a personalized memorial web-page to share their unique story with family and friends.

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The International Alliance of Bishops

IAB Crest

Grace & Peace

Grace & Peace From God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to start off by stating that we did not get a newsletter out in April so you have not missed any. Thank you also for all of you who showed interest and contacted us regarding the April issue. This month's offering continues my running rhetorical commentary on modern church issues. Explore with me some thoughts on where the church of Jesus Christ is going in the next few years.

LIF partners worldwide are preparing for our 6th annual conference - November 4th - 7th in Baltimore, MD. Our theme this year is "Kingdom Conquests ." More details are forthcoming

My continual vision for LIF Global Network this season is to prepare kingdom warriors for prayer, praise, and power to combat satan in this hour of trial. Prayer requests are pouring in from around the world concerning the global attacks on religious freedom and economic trouble. Pray for Pakistan, India, Africia, in particular, as well as, Christians around the world who are holding up the standards of rightousness. My Global Kingdom Governors will be preparing to sponsor some global prayer rallies soon.

Get MY ARCHIVE NEWSLETTERS by going to this link.

Share this valuable information with others using the forwarding feature at the bottom of the page to maintain formating issues. You can send it to up to five people at once. We are praying for the Manifested Glory of the Lord to be on your life and may you be blessed beyond measure.

  • "Tell me what the world is saying today, and I'll tell you what the church will be saying seven years from now" - Francis Schaefer.

    Unfortunately this quote from one of the greatest thinkers of our time speaks volumes to the pattern the church world has followed for some time. Instead of the body of Christ setting the standard for Christian lifestyle, we have been following the trends of the world. In fact, more worldly trends have affected the church than the church has affected the trends. Our music, our worship, our very lifestyle have become world-centered and not Christ-centered. Worship in most contemporary churches desires to break from past traditions to embrace present fads and curve new future styles.

    This is one of the most challenging times in modern church history. From the rich heritage of apostolic leadership to the modern ecclesiastical turmoil of our day, the church is still struggling to identify true headship of the body of Christ, while the world decays away. The crowning hour of the church has always been in the greatest storms of life. Could it be the Lord is preparing us to shine as never before? While we are faced with decay in government, society, and world affairs, the mandate is apparent; the church of Jesus Christ needs to rise up.

    The church is both mystical (invisible) and institutional (visible). We are the body of Christ; the supernatural, miracle working, kingdom of gifted ones. We are also an organized, developed, governmental church with a rich ecclesiastical heritage and a mandate for global conquest. Jesus stated we were to become the "salt of the earth" (see Matt 5:13) and "The light of the world" (see Matt 5:14). This means that Jesus expected the church to be the leaders, the trend setters. Jesus also stated, "When he returns will He find faith on the earth" (Luke 18:8). I wonder does this mean faith in God or faith in one another. We are also the anointed ones who spread love by example and not by dictation.

    There is no question that Satan is on his job, but the real question is whether or not we are fulfilling our assignment of kingdom building or kingdom clashing. When you evaluate historical church history, you are faced with the surprising image that the church really soars in crisis (Acts 8:1; vs. 4). The modern global financial and economic crisis is nothing compared to what the church endured to be birthed. First century Palestine was considered one of the poorest, depressed, germ filled areas of the world at the time. Yet, Christianity's humble roots can be traced here. Disease, poverty, despair, and danger are just ingredients for miracles to flourish.

    We are faced with new challenges from the same old enemies; new dangers from the same sources. But has the church grown, strengthened, or excelled, or have we relaxed and gotten soft on sin. The doctrine of sin is "Hamartiology," and it comes from two Greek terms, namely, hamartia meaning "sin" and logos. So it really details the biblical doctrine of sin including its origin, nature, transmission, effects, and judgment. The mature message of the church today is not the age-old message of righteousness, but the understated message of handicapped Christianity. You know when we glorify the imperfections of some and criticize the perfection of others. When we become time-honored of every life style, problem and issue and excuse them with the scriptures. How many time have we heard, "God understands."

    One of my main issues I encounter every day is "scripture twisting," when one uses the scriptures to support an idea that bears little exegesis or substance of the text. Yet when one raises issues or concerns about how things are handled in the body of Christ today, your credibility comes under attack. Instead of hearing the message, we attack the messenger. No wonder the church of Jesus Christ is mixed up. We are constantly faced with whether we trust a seasoned word from the Lord (scripture) or do we put our faith in so-called fresh revelations pouring out from modern day sooth Sayers.

    I want to end with two scriptures that are pressing in my spirit. A prophetic look at what the scriptures record about th end- times is healthy.

    But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. (Luke 17:25-26 NIV)

    While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 NIV).

    The direction of the Church universal and a warning for our day:

    1. She is being forced out of her comfort zone for global missions, not empire building
    2. A new era of leadership with no claims to succession is rising from the east to bless the west
    3. A renewal of signs and wonders will be sweeping through the continents as global impact for change intensifies.

    Copyright � 2001-2009, Dennis M. Golphin. All Rights Reserved. LIF is a trademark of Living In Favor Global Network. Dr Dennis M. Golphin is the visionary for LIF and he is a bishop, worship leader, musician, and professor. With over 45 years in the ministry and formal training for over 25 years, he has positioned himself as a spiritual father, prolific teacher, and international leader in the Body of Christ. Please inform us of reprints by sending e-mail to [email protected] or dropping a note to Dr. Dennis M. Golphin, P.O. Box 20801, Raleigh, NC 27619, USA

  • Listen to Dennis Golphin's Audio Sermons on-line
  • dmgsmilergt
    THE KINGDOM PURCHASE PRINCIPLE- This lesson defines some terms and responsibility that is mandated for kingdom living. A bible study that was conducted around end-time prophetic directives for the coming years. A plan for treasuring and appreciating lessons learned in bible study and remaining faithful to where you have been mentored.


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