Rotary Garden
Green Spirit Farms Rotary Garden Unit

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What do you call small ferris wheels that grow vegetables indoors? 
In New Buffalo, at Green Spirit Farms, we call it Vertical Farming using Rotary Gardens provided by Omega Garden.  Our goal is to grow great tasting, competitively priced, organic produce, year round. 
Introducing the team!
Milan Kluko, President
Background: Geology/Environmental Engineering,
Renewable Energy Technology Patent Holder, Environmental Clean-up Expert, Owns 3 Dogs


Ben Wiggins, Site Manager
Background: Building and Construction Management, Business Analyst, Dad of Two Boys
Dan Kluko, Research & Development
Background: Computer Science, Commercial Horticulture,
Plant Whisperer

Sandra Thompson, Sales & Marketing 

Background: Farm to City Marketing and Distribution, Musician, Educator, Pennsylvania Transplant


Vida Kluko, Marketing

Background:Design, Marketing, Recycled Glass Artisan,

Owns Same 3 Dogs


Fred, Alpha Sprout

Background: Cucumber seed planted January 3, 2012

Vertical Garden Growing Station: diagram

Each Vertical Garden Growing Station contains six rotary garden units that will grow up to 480 plants.  Stacked garden units maximize growing space!

To view the diagram,  
click here 
What's Next
Currently, Green Spirit Farms is finalizing development of our target crops, testing a variety of seeds and organic nutrient mixes and new lighting technology.
Check out our facebook page for daily updates and pics of the plants as we continue to grow.
Stay tuned for our Gala Opening and Taste Testing Event, tentatively scheduled for July, this summer!