Sirius Technical Services
 May 2012
In This Issue
Memorial Day
Signature Lives
May Employee of the Month
What Employers Want from Job References
Sirius Admin Team Rocks
2012 PEP Golf Tournament
Siriusly Safety
Exercise In Style


Caps, caps and more caps!  Check out this head wear on our company store!  This particular one is built to Nike Golf's exacting standards, is a lightweight cap and is engineered for enduring performance.  There are a lot more to select from too!


Quick News

TAXES:  If you think you need to change what you claim on your W4 or state tax withholding, please contact 

or you can get the forms you need right off our website at



Congratulations to proud new grandmother, Carla Hackett of Orion Engineering. Christopher "Grayson" Hackett was born  April 2, 2012 and weighed 5lbs 10oz and was 20 inches long.  Congratulations, Carla and Roll Tide!

Baby Savoye

Wow!  Louis Joseph Savoye is getting so big! He looks so cute pictured here in his Sirius "onesie".  His proud papa, Darren Savoye, is Vice President with Bollinger Shipyards in St. Rose, LA. 

Sirius Employee Receives Safety Award


Sirius contract employee, Joe Stewart, recently received a $100 Safety Bonus award for identifying an "area of safety needing improvement" at the nuclear power plant where he works in MS.  Joe is a Nuclear Security Specialist.  Congratulations Joe and thank you for your commitment to safety!  

Signature Lives

1st  Make a decision. Decide clearly that you are going to begin acting in a specific way 100% of the time, whenever that behavior is required. 


2nd Never allow an exception to your new habit pattern during the formative stages. Don't make excuses or rationalizations. Don't let yourself off the hook. If you resolve to get up at 6:00am each morning, discipline yourself to get up at 6:00am, every single morning until this becomes automatic.  

 Tell others that you are going to begin practicing a particular behavior. It is amazing how much more disciplined and determined you will become when you know that others are watching you to see if you have the willpower to follow through on your resolution.  

4th Visualize yourself performing or behaving in a particular way in a particular situation. The more often you visualize and imagine yourself acting as if you already had the new habit, the more rapidly this new behavior will be accepted by your subconscious mind and become automatic.  

5th Create an affirmation that you repeat over and over to yourself. This repetition dramatically increases the speed at which you develop the new habit. For example, you can say something like, "I get up and get going immediately at 6:00am each morning!" Repeat these words right before you fall asleep. In most cases, you will automatically wake up minutes before the alarm clock goes off, and soon you will need no alarm clock at all.  
6th Resolve to persist in the new behavior until it is so automatic and easy that you actually feel uncomfortable when you do not do what you have decided to do.  

7th Most important, give yourself a reward of some kind for practicing the new behavior. Each time you reward yourself, you reaffirm and reinforce the behavior. Soon you begin to associate, at an unconscious level, the pleasure of the reward with the behavior. You set up your own force field of positive consequences that you unconsciously look forward to as the result of engaging in the behavior or habit that you have decided upon.   


For more information about Signature Lives, email  (Article:  From MaryEllen Tribby)


Sirius Technical Services Logo 

6215 Rangeline Road, Ste 102 
Theodore, Alabama 36582
251.443.1166 O 

Do you have the best dad in the world?  
Don't forget to honor your dad on Father's Day,  

Sunday, June 17, 2012.

Memorial Day - Honor the Memory of our Soldiers

Observed annually on the last Monday of May and formerly known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War.  By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars. Sirius salutes all of our service members and our office will be closed in observance of Memorial Day on Monday, May 28th.



Sirius Employees Rocked the "Warrior Dash"

"A mud-crawling, fire-leaping, extreme 5k run from hell!" Yes, that's what our own Mary Powell and Josh Meek, along with client, Pam Jaye, conquered this past month! These warriors ran (and crawled) through extreme obstacles, including mud, water and fire, and all made it to the finish to pose with their warrior helmets and metals. Over 7,000 people participated in the race in Jackson, MS. on 4/21/12. The Warrior Dash partners with St. Jude and brings a wealth of donations to this charity. If you would like to participate in a warrior dash, check out their website at   


Left to right:  Paulette Sprouse,       Josh Meek (far right) pictured with
Mary Powell and Pam Jaye              warrior buddies. 
Sirius Celebrates "May Employee of the Month" with Dondry Gay

Dondry Gay joined the Sirius family in February of 2010 and came to us from Hampton, VA.  When not hard at work as a senior designer, Dondry loves taking trips to Pensacola or Destin as much as possible, where he enjoys outdoor activities such as concerts, amusement parks and sporting events.  His most cherished times are spent around family and friends. One of the most admirable qualities to mention about Dondry is his personal dedication to always help others when they are in need.  We appreciate you Dondry and wanted to recognize your positive personality! Congratulations and keep up the great work you are doing!


What Employers Want from Job References

A great resume and solid interview skills may place job seekers in the running for a position, but a survey conducted by a affiliate finds that the results of a reference check can really be what makes -- or breaks -- a job search. Hiring managers interviewed for the survey said they remove about 21% of candidates from consideration after speaking to their professional references.

Managers also were asked, "When speaking to an applicant's job references, what is the most important information you hope to receive?" Their responses:

         Description of past job duties and experience: 36%

         A view into the applicant's strengths and weaknesses: 31%

         Confirmation of job title and dates of employment: 11%

         Description of workplace accomplishments: 8%

         A sense of the applicant's preferred work culture: 7%

         Other/don't know: 7%

To distinguish themselves from the competition, job seekers should assemble a solid list of contacts who can persuasively communicate their qualifications and professional attributes.  Here are five tips for creating a reference list that works in your favor:


1)Choose Wisely-Select people who can discuss your abilities and experience that directly relate to the position, not just those with the most impressive job titles
2) Check in Beforehand-
Always call potential references first to get their permission and evaluate their eagerness to talk to hiring managers
3) Be Prepared -Provide clear contact information for your references, including their names, titles,
daytime phone numbers and email addresses.                                    4)Think Outside the Box-Remain on good terms with past supervisors/colleagues. Be selective about who's in your online network, on professional networking sites.
5) Give Thanks-Express your gratitude to people who agree to serve as references.


Sirius Administrative Team Rocks!


 We would like to give a "shout out" to our Sirius administrative team who we recognized in April on "Administrative Professional's Day". These ladies work hard to make sure all of our employees and customers have all of their payroll and employment needs met accurately and on time.

Thanks for all you do, Ladies!


Sirius Sponsors 2012 PEP Golf Tournament
Sirius sponsored "The Partners for Environmental Progress' Annual Golf Tournament" last weekend held at the beautiful Lakewood Golf Club which is a part of the stunning Grand Hotel Marriott Resort in Point Clear, Alabama.  This event has drawn in record numbers over the past few years and Sirius was honored to be a corporate sponsor this year.  We had a blast raising monies for this outstanding organization that we are proud to call ourselves a member of.  Thanks to the Sirius staff that volunteered this year:  Josh Meek, Michelle West, Missy Miller and Linda Bailey, and for our golf team, (pictured above): Tony Bairefield, Orion Engineering, Michelle West, Sirius, Tom Haley, Offshore Inland, and Josh Meek, Sirius.

Congratulations Late Night Butt Rubbers!


 Randy Ledbetter, former Sirius employee and  customer, heads up the "Late Night Butt Rubbers" team that finished 6th out of 36 teams this year at the Hog Wild (food) Festival.  They placed 3rd in "Chicken and Brisket" categories.  All monies raised benefited the UCP. Congrats to Randy and the LNBR's! 


 Siriusly.....Keep Safe!

For an unplanned or unforeseen event to take place there has to be potential!  COMPLACENCY and taking things for GRANTED are causes for a TREMENDOUS number of injuries each year. Having a good safety attitude and knowing that it is part of your job will increase your chances of going home uninjured at the end of the day. You might also find that your life at work becomes a bit more pleasant as well.

Negative attitudes toward safety lead to negative results ---accidents. Experience has shown us that all the safety training and equipment in the world will not ensure safety without the proper attitude being present. Remember, although your employer may have a legal obligation to make and enforce the rules, your attitude toward safety measures is imperative and is your responsibility.

Have a safe month and go home the way you came in, if not better!