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Michael Fox CPCC,
founder of  magine!,
is a professional
coach and trainer,
author and creative artist, whose work has been featured throughout
the world.
"Perfect love casts out fear..."
In his last days, the apostle Paul was confined to a Roman prison. Before long, he would kneel under the blade of the executioner. As the time of his death drew near, he was not concerned for himself. Paul faced his imminent death with resolve and courage. He was concerned, however, for his young friend and coworker Timothy. Paul was concerned that his death might cripple his beloved "son in the faith" with fear and sorrow. Consequently, Paul penned his final epistle to Timothy, a note of encouragement from Timothy's mentor. Paul told the young man: "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" [2 Timothy 1:7].

If a believer is paralyzed with fear, it is not from God. It is logical that an empowered spirit and a sound, or rational, mind can purge fear. But, what of love? How does love preclude fear? In precisely this way: Fear is wholly selfish; love is entirely selfless.

The apostle John confirmed the truth of Paul's words to Timothy when he later wrote, "Perfect [or, mature] love casts out fear." Consequently, when a believer loves God with all of his heart, soul, mind and strength, and when he loves his neighbor as himself, fear will find no harbor within him.

Freed from the constraints of self and fear; he will discover his fullest personal potential. Imagine the possibilities!
Michael Fox

P.O. Box 9144
Auburn, CA, USA 95604
In addition to personal and professional coaching,
m�agine! specializes in spiritual transformation coaching,
employing its proprietary models: Values, Vision, Voice and Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength

Coaching fees are based upon a sliding scale. Contact us for details.

Limited scholarships are available for spiritual transformation coaching.
On the flip side, if you are able, please inquire about opportunities
to fund scholarships for those who cannot afford coaching fees.