ISCOWP Update  
chaya faceGood news!  The geriatric barn roof is now up! Thank you all for donating to this project! Now the old and infirm cows will have a dry home for the winter.


Balabhadra, president of ISCOWP, is physically slowly recovering from the Gullian-bare syndrome he contracted in March. He has been given a brace to wear for his right hand that helps to stretch the muscles and tendons through exercise until the nerve sheaths are fully restored. He continues to go to hand therapy 3 days a week and can do a few more things than he could do at the time of the last e-newsletter. He walks with less of a limp now. Fatigue is a problem, but that should be experienced less as time passes. Thank you to everyone who inquired about Balabhadra's health.


Your servant and friend,


(Irene M. Dove)

ISCOWP Co-Managing Director

In This Issue August 2011
Barn Roof is Up!
Garden Bounty
Adopt A Cow
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Barn Roof is Up!

Good News. We found a contractor at a reasonable price and now there are enough donations to cover the cost. The roof is now up! The job went quickly and efficiently. This last weekend there was a lot of rain. We went into the geriatric barn and there was not a single leak that we could see. It felt cozy and we happily reflected about a dry barn for the geriatric cows this winter. Thank you so much for your donations that made this possible!


Working on the roof
Taking the old tin off and reinforcing the roof support system.
Working on the roof 2
Some of the new tin is up. The next day the entire roof was up.



We wanted to thank the members that came recently to help. Jimmy Devine came and painted the side of hay barn that was badly peeling. Terry Devine helped cutting vegetables for the driers that are to become premiums for donating members. Both helped in various other ways during their 5 day stay. Dhananjaya has been coming on the weekends to help Balabhadra do jobs around the farm. Thank you all so much!

Dhananjaya & Bala &Shyama
Dhananjaya and Balabhadra visiting Shyama.
Jimmy feeds Jahnava
Jimmy Devine feeding Jahnava.
Terry picking tomatoes
Terry Devine picking tomatoes.


Garden Bounty

Chard & flowers
Basil, chard, flowers, okra and cilantro grows well in cow manure.
Marigolds and tuberrose
Marigolds, tuberose and comfrey.
Butternut squash
Harvested butternut squash and squash from Luthiuania seeds.  .


  Fall is here and the garden is beginning to fade. In approximately 2 weeks the first frost of the year usually occurs, however the weather has been cold and the first frost may come sooner. Then most of the plants will die. A few plants like the Brussels sprouts will live until winter sets in. Now the task is to "put away the garden" which means to remove what remains of the plants and spread cow manure on the garden. The cow manure had been removed from the barns in early summer and stock piled until fall.  




Adopt A Cow
There is still plenty of grass for the cows to eat and they don't mind the cooler weather. As it is for everyone, fall is a delightful season. Read about our Adopt A Cow program  at the Adopt a Cow page on the ISCOWP web site. A few cows are only adopted once. As we explain on the web site, the adoption fee does not fully cover all costs of caring for the cow. So please adopt a cow for yourself, or as a present for a dear one, or in honor of a dear one. You can learn how you can adopt and your benefits at How to Adopt A Cow.


The herd
Amrita, Asha and Yamuna pasturing in the cooler fall weather. .


Jahnava, Vishaka, Madhava
Vishaka, Madhava and Jahnava resting.
� 2010 The International Society for Cow Protection, Inc. (ISCOWP) All Rights Reserved.  
This is an authorized email of the official International Society for Cow Protection, Inc. (ISCOWP) incorporated in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization, located only in Moundsville, WV, USA.
ISCOWP and the Lotus/Cow symbol are registered service marks of the International Society for Cow Protection, Inc