A weekly message to strengthen your CORE and develop your resolve. 
  Aug 22, 2012 

I am so excited about our subject today - it's all about letting go and the power that it brings to our lives. I adore this CORE principle and using it has changed my life in many ways beyond just solving my eating problem. It has freed me to find contentment and happiness in a way I never knew I could. It is a game changer for sure and that's why I believe so strongly in it!
Throughout our lives we are taught that if we want something, we must work hard for it. So, when we want something, we spend all of our time trying to do more, add more, or be more so that we can get the things in our life that we think will make us happy and fulfilled. We mistakenly believe that if we want more, we must do more, when in reality we must first let go and open ourselves up to allowing and receiving in order to get what we want.
The first step forward in successful weight management is not to develop an elaborate food and exercise plan, it is to let go. You see, it is impossible to manage our weight successfully when we tell ourselves we are fat. It is impossible to live an active lifestyle when we believe exercise is a drag. It is impossible to be happy, when we feel bad about who we are. We cannot make room for new good stuff in our life while the old stuff is occupying the space. And so we stay stuck, starting and stopping, starting and stopping, time and again trying to make change stick.
Love the feeling after you have cleaned out a closet? It's the pure joy and freedom of letting go. It's not just about getting rid of old clothes, shoes, and accessories, it's an emotional clearing and it's the power of release and opportunity for forward movement. Thoughts, feeling, beliefs, people, places, or events that no longer 'fit' you... they are all just waiting to be released too!
Take a deep breath. Move inward and ask yourself, "What do I need to RELEASE today that is holding me back?" Don't jump quickly to an answer; allow your heart to feel the question. It is where your answer will be.
Letting go is powerful. It takes courage, but you cannot go forward when you are chained to the past. Letting go changes you and your life!

Apple CoreFood for Thought...


"You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles."

~ C. JoyBell C.

Forgive, release, let go, liberate, absolve, clear, surrender, turn lose... No matter how you say it, we must Release, so we can Renew!
Mary FoxMary Fox, LMHC,  RD

Making Sense of Weight Management
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