Albert Dabbah, MD PA


              BABY BOOMERS



 August 2011 


To Our Friends and Family,

There seems to be so much information out there regarding "baby boomers" that I decided to make this Newsletter all about us.  Gotta Laugh!!!!

Have a safe and wonderful July 4th!!



Male Plastic Surgery

FACIAL SURGERY - Getting to the Bare Bones

Plastic surgeons analyze skin and muscle tone when deciding on their approach to creating youthfulness in the face.  As we know, to help make people look younger, it is also necessary to understand our bone structure as well.  New research confirms that as we grow older, our facial bones continue to change. There is an overall decrease in volume as we age. Our eye sockets enlarge and the angle of the bones beneath our eyebrowns decreases. The angles of the brow, nose and upper jaw bones reduce, as well as the length and height of the lower jaw. These changes possibly contribute to the crow's feet, droopy lids and jowling that we see. The study shows those changes for women occur between young and middle age (determined to be 20-64) and bone changes for men occur between middle age and old age (determined to be 41 to 65 and older). 

Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 1/2011;, 6/1/2011

Dr. Lubna Pal, a scientist at Yale University, says his studies show the more wrinkles a women has in early menopause, the lower her bone density.  Alternately, his research shows that women with firm facial and forehead skin have greater bone density.  Dr. Elton Strauss from Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in NY, argues that the reverse would have proven true. He says that people with a lot of wrinkles usually spend a lot of time in the sun, which promotes a lot of vitamin D, which is good for bone health., 6/8/2011


We are seeing more and more men coming in for plastic surgery procedures, corresponding to the trend around the country. As the economy is slowly turning around, men are coming in with the thought that they need to stay competitive as job openings become available. Men are finally realizing what we women have known all along; it is so nice to focus on the important issues in your life, rather than worrying how you look with the turtleneck sweater or the neckskin hanging over your tie. By the same token, a man's confidence skyrockets when he sees the person he is speaking to truly listening, rather than thinking this person is looking at the belly bulge.
It seems the driving force behind men doing cosmetic surgery, other than staying competitive in this job market, is the "trophy wife" who may have done some work herself.  Women want their men taking care of themselves the same as men expect of their women., 5/31/2011
Olive Oil 


In an observational study published in the June 11 issue of Neurology, it was found that people age 65 and older who ate a substantial amount of olive oil, lessened their chances of stroke by 41% than those who never ate olive oil. The reason is unknown. It could be that people who use olive oil are healthier eaters than those who use saturated or trans fats in their diet or tend to exercise more. Either way, it's "food for thought." Why not always use olive oil??? 6/17/2011











According to AARP, the baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) are heavier and less healthy than their parents' generation. They are showing more chronic problems like obesity-related diseases, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. The cause is thought to be the food of the American diet becoming more processed as well as lack of exercise. The cure? 30 to 40 minutes of exercise most days of the week to decrease depression, blood pressure and blood sugar and increase strength, cognition and memory.

SEX - Baby boomers are not protecting themselves with condoms when they are having casual sex, according to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. The reason given is the dryness associated with condom use.  

STRESS - Boomers find themselves as the "sandwich generation", taking care of their children as well as their parents.  It is a juggling act, expecially in these tough economic times.  In addition, many baby boomers rely on public-funded programs like Medicare when they hit age 65. As we know, that is very possibly ending and this generation will have to rely on their savings. Apparently, we've done a poor job of saving as well. 

DRUGS -  It seems we rely on medication to help alleviate the aches and pains as well as the hypertension and high cholesterol. To keep the brain vibrant and healthy, the experts say we should exercise to get oxygen to the brain and prevent dementia. Exercise will also help people by keeping their muscles strong, which is necessary for the heavier patient,who tends to be prone to osteoarthritis. They say we should read and try to learn new and complicated things to stay mentally stimulated. We should maintain friendships, get out of the house and socialize.  People who did not are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's., 6/16/2011

So, after reading this, tell me you don't want to hit that rocky road now???


Men Behaving Badly


Did you wonder where that term "mid-life crisis" came from? In the 1960s men were afraid of aging, feeling that their life was over; they had not accomplished their goals or dreams.  The concept has then reached over to men behaving badly (such as Clinton and Weiner). Yet, according to Margie Lachman, a psychologist from Brandeis university who has studies this concept in depth, only 10 to 12% of men go through fear approaching a "crisis" state.  It is this fear, though, that drives the business of anti-aging in men. Men doing testosterone has become big business, despite the side effects of arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, heart attach, angina and congestive heart failure.

This "fear" can be a good thing. It allows men (and women) to "retool" or adjust; to review your life and realize what has been accomplished and what to change in the future to be more satisfied.

Yet, all in all, most men at the age of 55 are happy, though they have to work at it. But as Ray Romano commented, "I [also] had to work at it in my twenties!, 6/20/2011

In an attempt to stay youthful, the 45 to 65 year olds are working out like crazy. The result? Bum knees and hip replacements.  Knee replacements have doubled over the last decade and more than tripled in this age group.  It seems the "boomers" are the first generation trying to stay active on an aging body and are willing to do what is necessary to maintain their exercise routine. Many orthopedic surgeons are replacing knees and hips on this younger generation because of their desire to continue working out and seeing canes, pain and stiffness as unacceptable.
The only concern is how long these implants will last. These joint implants are not made to be stressed by constant pounding and movement.  It seems surgeons are explaining to the younger generation that they may be seeing additional surgery in the future. The docs emphasize not overdoing the activity, balancing the activing to build strength, flexibility, core muscles, warming up, letting muscles and joints recover and rest during workouts and keeping your weight down (every pound on the scale is 5 pounds on the knees)., 6/24/2011 
                                   MALE MENOPAUSE
"Andropause, or male menopause" is more gradual and subtle change of life than female menopause.  At about the age of 40, testosterone levels in men start to decrease, approximately .3 percent per year.  It is estimated that 20 to 60 percent of men will experience it. The big question is whether testosterone replacement therapy is necessary, or indicated, to keep keep looking and loving the way you do. Wondering? It's a simple blood test, but docs may also measure prolactin levels (pituitary gland function) as well as thyroid and other hormone levels., 6/19/2011 

Hot Peppers


Hey Baby Boomers!  Feeling sluggish? Get that metabolism burning with hot peppers!! Cayenne and jalapeno peppers contain capsaicin, which increases the heart rate and burns calories! So, here's a great addition to the July 4 barbecue.

Manchego Jalapeno Cornbread

1 cup cornmeal

1 cup all purpose flour

6 ounces Manchego cheese, grated

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 TBL baking powder

1 teas salt

2 TBL pickled sliced jalapeno peppers

1 cup milk

1/3  cup vegetable oil

2 large eggs, lightly beaten


Peheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease an 8-in-square baking pan. Combine the cornmeal, the flour, 4 oz of the grated Manchego, the sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl. Mince 1 TBL of the jalapenos and combine it with the milk, oil, and eggs in a small bowl; mix well. Add the milk mixture to the flour mixture and stir just until blended. Pour into the prepared pan.

Lay the remaining jalapeno slices on topof batter approximately 3 inches apart, so that ultimately each bite of cornbread gets a jalapeno and sprinkle with the remaining 2 oz of Manchego. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until a wooden stick comes out clean.

Serve warm., 6/2009


            Speaking of Hot...SIZZLING SUMMER SPECIALS


Thinking how to get that Sunkist Glow without the Burn ???Obagi Skin Care can do just that!!!! Give it a try with the travel size products at 15% off (approx. $46.00 savings).


Fillers: Purchase 2 or more syringes of Juvederm, Restylane or Perlane  and get 10% off (minimum of $130.00 savings).

Purchase 2 syringes along with Dysport or Botox and Fillers are 15% off (minimum of $195.00 savings).


Latisse: Purchase 2 kits and get $40.00 off.



In This Issue
Getting to the Bare Bones
Men and Plastic Surgery
Sex, Drugs and Rocky Road
Mid-Life Crisis?
Oh, Those Aches and Pains
Male Menopause
Anti-Aging Ingredient - Hot Peppers
Hot Summer Specials
There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting.
John Kenneth Galbraith 

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