News and Notes
 January 2010
The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR), established in 2007 at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), welcomes you to News and Notes, our monthly electronic newsletter.  News and Notes aims to keep you informed about the activities of the NCFMR.  We will also announce funding and research opportunities, provide registration information for conferences and workshops, and keep you up to date on current research findings.
What's New at the NCFMR...
The following updates have been posted and may be viewed on the NCFMR website.
Funding Opportunities
Pilot Data Collection, 2010
Married and Cohabiting Couples
Application Deadline: February 17, 2010
(electronic submission only)
Learn more...
Small Grants Competition, 2010
New Approaches to the Measurement of Children's Family Structure
Application Receipt Deadline: February 26, 2010
Working Papers
Susan L. Brown and Sayaka Kawamura
Relationship Quality Among Cohabitors and Marrieds in Older Adulthood (NCFMR WP-10-01)

Wendy D. Manning and Susan L. Brown
The Demography of Unions Among Older Americans: 1980-present (NCFMR WP-09-14)

*If you have written a paper addressing a family and marriage issue that aligns with our mission statement and would like for us to consider adding it to the NCFMR website, we welcome submissions for consideration and possible inclusion in our working paper series.  You may electronically submit your working paper to the following email address:
The Data Source
A collection of documents describing newly released data sets used by the family and marriage research community.
American Community Survey (ACS), 2008

2010 NCFR Call for Proposals
Families and Innovation
Proposal submission deadline, March 1, 2010
Proposal submission is now open for the 2010 National Council on Family Relations' annual conference to be held November 3-6, 2010, in Minneapolis, MN. You are encouraged to contribute your proposal for this year's theme Families and Innovation.
For details about the how and why of submitting proposals, visit:
The submission process is managed through Oxford Abstracts.  For NCFR procedures and requirements for proposals, visit:
Proposal Submission Deadline:  March 1, 2010
You may also create your log-in and review details for submissions at:
2010 Add Health Call for Papers
Abstract submission deadline, March 15, 2010

Users of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) are invited to submit abstracts for the ninth annual Add Health Users Conference to be held July 22-23, 2010, in Bethesda, Maryland.  Abstracts are invited on both substantive and methodological topics. 

Please complete the online Abstract Submission Form by March 15, 2010.
Call for Submissions - NCFR Report
Submission deadline, March 21, 2010

The theme for the summer issue of NCFR Report member magazine will be "Innovations." If you would like to share some of your innovative work, please contact the editor and obtain submission guidelines at
Submission Deadline:  March 21, 2010
National Symposium on Family Issues
Co-organized in 2010 by NCFMR and Penn State
Population Research Institute
Early Adulthood in a Family Context
A two-day symposium is scheduled for October 12-13, 2010, and will be hosted by Penn State. The following five sessions will showcase new theoretical, methodological, and measurement insights: 
  • Session I: What is the contemporary context of young adulthood?
  • Session II: What are the key elements of parent-child relationships that facilitate successful transitions during young adulthood?
  • Session III: What are the types and trajectories of romantic and sexual relationships in young adulthood?
  • Session IV: What are the timing and family contexts of fertility in young adulthood?
  • Session V: How has the study of emerging adulthood advanced since 2000 and where does it need to go?
Learn more...

Professor PargamentProfessor Pargament Joins Comprehensive Soldier Fitness (CSF) Program
Army enlists Pargament to build soldiers' spiritual fitness

Dr. Kenneth Pargament, BGSU psychology professor, NCFMR faculty research affiliate, and a national leader in the psychology of spirituality, was enlisted to join an innovative program of the U.S. Army developed to help soldiers deal with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Learn more...
Internal Grants Awardees Announced
Professor Brown and Professor Mahoney receive NCFMR BGSU Internal Grants
Designed to encourage collaborations and research by the BGSU faculty, the NCFMR is pleased to announce the awardees of our small grants competition:

Measures Snapshots of Relationship Quality among Older Adults
  • Susan L. Brown, PI
    Department of Sociology, BGSU
  • Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda, Co-I
    Department of Sociology, Miami University
  • Amanda House, Co-I
    Department of Sociology, BGSU
NCFMR Resources for Faith and Family Research: Creating Measures Snapshots, Pragmatic Recommendations and Networking Linkages
  • Annette Mahoney, PI
    Department of Psychology, BGSU
  • Katie Kusner, Co-I
    Department of Psychology, BGSU 
Upcoming Events
March 2010
13th Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA)
Biennial Meeting
Date:  March 11-13 
Location:  Philadelphia Marriott, Downtown,
Philadelphia, PA
May 2010
International Academy of Family Psychology 20th Anniversary Conference
Date:  May 13-16
Location:  Callaway Gardens, Atlanta, GA
Link to NCFR 
June 2010
13th Annual Welfare Research & Evaluation Conference 
Date:  June 2-4
Location:  Capital Hilton, Washington, DC
Link to OPRE 
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NCFMR Web Links
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Dr. Susan Brown
Dr. Wendy Manning
 Kay Carpenter
Technical Writer
Lesley Wadsworth
Social Science Data Analyst
Hsueh-Sheng Wu
Graduate Research Assistants
Sayaka Kawamura
Krista Payne
National Advisory Committee

Internal Advisory Committee

BGSU Research Affiliates


 Postdoctoral Fellows
 Visiting Scholars
 Logo_Web Home Page
The National Center for Family & Marriage Research, established in 2007 by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, aims to improve our understanding of how marriage and family structure affect the health and wellbeing of families, adults, children and communities and to inform policy development and programmatic responses.
  NCFMR Logo

This project was supported with a grant from the U.S. Department of

 Health and Human

Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, grant number 5 UOI

AEOOOOOI-03. The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s)

and should not be construed as representing the opinions or policy of any agency of the

 Federal government.