News and Notes
 September 2009
The National Center for Family & Marriage Research (NCFMR), established in 2007 at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), welcomes you to News and Notes, our monthly electronic newsletter.  News and Notes aims to keep you informed about the activities of the NCFMR.  We will also announce funding and research opportunities, provide registration information for conferences and workshops, and keep you up to date on current research findings.
What's New at the NCFMR...
The following updates are now posted and may be viewed on NCFMR's Website.
Measures Snapshot
A detailed summary of measures of couple relationship quality available in several national data sets. 
*Working Papers  
Shannon Cavanagh & Kate Sullivan
Family Instability, Early Social Competence, and Later Romantic Activity in Adolescence (NCFMR WP-09-11)
Peggy C. Giordano, Christine M. Flanigan, Wendy D. Manning, & Monica A. Longmore
Developmental Shifts in the Character of Romantic Relationships from Adolescence to Early Adulthood (NCFMR WP-09-10)
Annette Mahoney & Krystal M. Hernandez
*If you've written a paper addressing a family and marriage issue that aligns with our mission statement and would like for us to consider adding it to the NCFMR website, we welcome submissions for consideration and possible inclusion in our working paper seriesYou may electronically submit your working paper to the following email address:
Hear from one of the top family researchers, Dr. Jay Teachman, Department of Sociology, Western Washington University, as he addresses the "Demographic Contours of Divorce: What We Know and What We Need to Know."
View Webcast

NCFMR Features People in the News
NCFMR's Co-Director Wendy D. Manning, Ph.D., was lauded in The Washington Times by "On the Family" columnist Cheryl Wetzstein. The Time's article was published September 15, 2009.

Wetzstein writes, "Whenever Pamela J. Smock and Wendy D. Manning write about cohabiting, I pay attention. These two sociology professors (at University of Michigan and Bowling Green State University, respectively) have been studying this new family phenomenon for a long time."
Wetzstein's accolade was prompted by an article written by Manning and Smock for the National Council on Family Relations newsletter.
NCFR Logo"Families in a Multicultural World"
71st Annual NCFR Annual Conference
November 11-14, 2009
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
San Francisco, CA
NCFR's 2009 theme, "Families in a Multicultural World," examines how diversity issues affect family scholarship, practice, policy, and education and how individuals might contribute to a better understanding of the heterogeneity and commonalities of diverse families. 

Attendees will be afforded an opportunity to learn:
  • The most current research-based approaches to prevention and intervention on behalf of families.
  • The most up-to-date information on family demographics, trends, and other issues affecting families in the United States and other parts of the globe.
  • The scholarship of family science from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
  • The means and strategies for informing public policy to enhance family well-being.
  • Engaging pedagogical strategies and best practices for teaching in the field.

CLASP Launches DataFinder
Create custom tables with select programmatic demographic data
CLASP, Center for Law and Criminal Policy, recently launched a datafinder to complement their research, analyses, and advocacy.  The CLASP DataFinder is an easy-to-use tool that provides information on various programs and trends affecting low-income families and individuals.
Upcoming Events
October 2009

Biosocial Research Contributions to Understanding Family Processes & Problems
Date:  October 8-9
Location:  Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus
Link to National Symposium on Family Issues
4th Conference on Emerging Adulthood
Date:  October 29-30
Location:  Atlanta, GA
November 2009
Association for Public Policy and Management
Date:  November 5-7
Location:  Washington, DC
Link to APPAM
71st National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference
Date:  November 11-14
Location:  Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, CA
Link to NCFR
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NCFMR Web Links
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Dr. Susan Brown
Dr. Wendy Manning
 Kay Carpenter
Technical Writer
Lesley Wadsworth
Social Science Data Analyst
Hsueh-Sheng Wu
Graduate Research Assistants
Sayaka Kawamura
Krista Payne
National Advisory Committee

Internal Advisory Committee

BGSU Research Affiliates


 Postdoctoral Fellows
 Visiting Scholars
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The National Center for Family & Marriage Research, established in 2007 by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, aims to improve our understanding of how marriage and family structures affect the health and wellbeing of families, adults, children and communities and to inform policy development and programmatic responses.