Dania Groundbreaking
HABITAT HAPPENINGS                September/October 2010

About Us       News & Events       Photos       Volunteers       Re-Store       Donate Now
Letter From Our Board Chair
Coming Soon: Women Build 2011!
Did You Know? Builder 100
Habitat Volunteer Receives Award
What is the Neighborhood Stabilization Program?
A Look Back at Family Support 2009-10
Meet the Newest Faces of Habitat



Dear Friends,

It's hard to believe, but this month Habitat Broward is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Habitat Re-Store!

It has been a truly inspiring experience to see the Re-Store evolve from a simple idea into a thriving business that helps recycle good, usable materials into use while at the same time raising hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to support the Habitat mission.
The first Habitat Re-Store, which was located at 513 W. Broward Blvd., opened in September 2000, but we received so much support from the community that we quickly outgrew that space. In 2005, Habitat purchased the adjacent 20,000-sq. foot building at 505 W. Broward Blvd., where the Re-Store has been in operation ever since.
We are so grateful for the generosity and support of community leaders such as Bob Elmore, Ed Ansin, Keith Koenig, and so many other donors, volunteers and customers who have helped make the Re-Store such a tremendous success these last 10 years. Of course I must also express a special thanks to Nancy Daly, our Re-Store committee chair, for her volunteer leadership, support and tireless commitment to the store since the very beginning.
Thank you all for your continued support, and I cannot wait to see what the next 10 years have in store for the Habitat Re-Store!  
Bob Leider
Robert W. Leider
Chairman of the Board
Featured Article
Ladies, get your hammers ready...Women Build 2011 is in the works!

Habitat Broward's Women Build program is all about empowering women to take action and help provide safe, decent housing for families living in poverty. And take action they have - with more than 40 homes built in the last 8 years, Habitat Broward has one of the largest Women Builds in the country.

But in order to make this year's Women Build a success, we need YOUR help to raise funds!

To find out how you or your company can get involved, please contact Maureen Hodgson, Director of Development, at maureen@habitatbroward.org.
Featured Article
This year Habitat Broward helped Habitat for Humanity achieve the rank of No. 8 on the Builder 100 list, marking the first time the nonprofit has been recognized among the top 10 biggest builders in the United States.

Builder Magazine's annual Builder 100 List compiles data provided by the nation's builders, including their closings. Habitat for Humanity, with 5,294 closings last year nationwide, moved up three spots in 2009 from its 2008 ranking of No. 11.

Check out the recent Wall Street Journal article to learn more about what Habitat affiliates, such as Habitat Broward, are doing across the nation!

Congratulations to AllState employee and longtime Habitat Broward volunteer Alicia "Lish" Ewen, who was named AllState's Helping Hands Volunteer of the Season! Alicia was nominated by her AllState peers in the Coconut Creek office and selected out of more than 33,000 AllState employees nationwide.

Lish Ewen

A Habitat volunteer since 2005, Lish serves as a team leader on the construction site every weekend, and she also dedicates one week each year to participating in Habitat's Jimmy Carter Work Project helping to build homes in locations around the world.
This award marks the third time Lish has been recognized by AllState for her outstanding volunteerism, and - thanks to AllState's matching grant program - Habitat Broward has also received $2,000 this year as a result of her countless hours of service!
Did you know that many other companies also match employee volunteerism with a donation to their favorite charity? Contact your employer to find out if your hours of service on the job site could have double the impact by also raising funds to support our mission!

Jason Crush
Habitat Broward is excited to announce that we have partnered with the cities of Sunrise, North Lauderdale and Hallandale Beach to use funds from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to help revitalize Broward neighborhoods that have been affected by the mortgage crisis!
This summer we completed the first phase of the program by acquiring more than 20 bank-owned, foreclosed properties, and we have begun the permitting and rehabilitation phase through which we will transform these properties into safe, decent, affordable homes for families in need.
Over the next 12 months we will rehabilitate 10 homes in Sunrise, 4 homes in North Lauderdale, and an 8-unit community in Hallandale Beach.  At the same time, we plan to complete construction on 20 more brand-new homes, making this one of the busiest years yet for Habitat Broward!
As always, we could not accomplish our goal without the tireless work of our volunteers and the generosity of our supporters. Thank you for your continued partnership as we embark on this newest endeavor and work to change the lives of Broward children and families for the better.

Jason S. Crush, Esq.
Executive Director


With South Florida being hit particularly hard by the nationwide foreclosure crisis, Habitat Broward's mission to revitalize neighborhoods through homeownership opportunities is now more relevant than ever. Not only do foreclosed and abandoned properties reduce surrounding property values, but they can also attract crime and become health and safety hazards, resulting in increased costs to local government for added police and fire protection, emergency repairs and demolition.

Congress created the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to help cities, counties and states deal with community problems that are resulting from the mortgage foreclosure crisis across the nation. NSP funds were allocated to local governments across the country for the purpose of purchasing, rehabilitating, and reselling foreclosed properties in especially hard-hit neighborhoods that might otherwise become sources of abandonment and blight within their communities.

The Cities of Sunrise, Hallandale Beach and North Lauderdale allocated a portion of their NSP funds to Habitat Broward to purchase foreclosed and abandoned properties and use the traditional Habitat model of volunteer labor and "sweat equity" to completely rehabilitate the homes, transforming them into safe, decent, affordable housing for local families in need. Habitat Broward has already purchased and begun renovations on 22 homes, to be completed over the next year.

To learn more about Habitat Broward's NSP efforts, check out the recent Sun-Sentinel article, "Habitat for Humanity in the rehab business."

North Lauderdale Commissioner David Hilton helps remove debris from a foreclosed home.

Volunteers perform interior demolition on of one of the homes before the rehabilitation process begins.

Habitat board member Roger Metcalf removes a broken door from one of the rehab homes.


As Habitat Broward prepares for another year of its Family Support programs, HomeWORKS and Blueprints4Life, we would like to recognize all of the supporters and volunteers who made the 2009-10 program year such a success!  

Financial support for Habitat Broward's 2009-10 Family Support programs was generously provided by:

Bank of America Charitable Foundation
BJ's Charitable Foundation
Community Foundation of Broward
Florida Marlins Community Foundation
Sun-Sentinel Children's Fund, A fund of the McCormick Foundation
The William R. Watts Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo Housing Foundation
Thank you to the following individuals who volunteered as nurture partners and/or youth leaders throughout the year: Antoinette Johnson, Becky Muzychka, Beverley Douglas, Camilla Mitchell, Carrie Schechter, Clifford Mack, Deborah Bowen, Eloise McCoy-Cain, James Ferriero, Kathy Craven, Mary Rivers, Nicola Guthrie, Nicolas Lampariello, Susan Schwartz, Timisha Byrdsong,  and Yamina Sullivan, with additional help from Bonnie Craven.

Habitat Broward sincerely appreciates your hard work and dedication, and we're looking forward to another successful year of providing education, support, and resources to our homeowner families and children.

Click on the photo below for a slideshow of highlights from Habitat's 2009-10 Blueprints4Life youth enrichment program!

Habitat youth with FLIPANY's Chef Maria, following a workshop on nutrition
Habitat Youth with FLIPANY

Habitat Broward is excited to introduce the three newest members of our dedicated staff:
Mark ChatlosMark Chatlos recently joined Habitat as a full-time site supervisor who will oversee the home rehabilitation projects. As a certified commercial and residential building inspector as well as a Florida building contractor, Mark looks forward to sharing his knowledge and skills with volunteers and making a difference in the lives of others. A lifelong Florida resident, Mark graduated from Miami Norland High School and enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard. He later served as a firefighter for the Town of Davie and retired after 27 years of service. He and his wife have a son, daughter and have been blessed with four grandchildren.

Jason TibbettsJason Tibbetts joins our staff as a part-time site supervisor, after volunteering with various Habitat affiliates since 1992 and with Habitat Broward for more than a year.  He has always enjoyed the opportunities that Habitat offers - working side by side with the homeowners to build something new and seeing the immediate results. Born and raised in Atlanta, Jason moved to Florida seven years ago, and he and his wife had their first child last year. Both he and his wife are also huge Atlanta Braves fan and have the goal of visiting every Major League ballpark - 12 down, 18 to go!
 StarrAnd finally, Starr Heinzmann joins our office staff as an executive assistant. Starr comes to us most recently from Tallahassee, although she grew up in parts of Georgia as well as South Florida. Starr previously worked in museum administration, and she is excited to bring her passion for community outreach and enrichment into another area of the non-profit arena. She graduated with a degree in Studio Art from Florida State University; and continues to make mixed-media art in her spare time.
To Mark, Jason, and Starr - Welcome to the Habitat Broward family!

Habitat for Humanity of Broward, an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian housing ministry. Established in 1983, Habitat Broward has successfully built more than 300 safe, decent, affordable homes, changing the lives of more than 1,200 children and adults. By engaging future homeowners, volunteers and community-minded businesses, Habitat revitalizes neighborhoods and empowers people to take an active role in determining a healthy future for their families.

 For more information, visit www.habitatbroward.org.