Debi's DeskBecause He Died...I am Forgiven; because He Lives...I am His Treasure. I love the song, "Forgiven" by Sanctus Real. I can so relate to the words in the chorus-
In this life
I know what I've been
But here in your arms
I know what I am
I'm forgiven
I'm forgiven
And I don't have to carry
The weight of who I've been
Cause I'm forgiven
I'm Forgiven! These are the two words that should be on my lips every time I open my mouth. I am not sure I always consider the enormous debt that Jesus paid for me on the cross. ALL my sins are forgiven. I pray that you, Valley Girlfriends, join me in pondering the magnificent grace and mercy that we have received through the precious blood of Christ. I encourage you to spend some time meditating on His lavish grace found in verses like; "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace." Ephesians 1:7
And know that because of He Lives...you are a treasure my sweet friend. The last verse of the song says it all-
When I don't fit in and I don't feel like I belong anywhere
When I don't measure up to much in this life
Oh, I'm a treasure in the arms of Christ 'cause
I'm Forgiven
After you have had the opportunity to consider the truth of His word, I hope you take the time to read this month's articles. Our writers have done a wonderful job of sharing Because He Lives...
God bless you and your families as you celebrate this joyous season.
Debi |
 | Firm Foundation - Because He Lives...
by Kelli Schoeny
|  | "God sent His son, they called Him Jesus He came to love, heal, and forgive.He lived and died to buy my pardon,An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives."Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.Because He lives, All fear is gone.Because I know He holds the future,And life is worth the living just because He lives.The Gaithers, one of the most popular, and longest-lasting Southern Gospel groups of all time, sang the above words in their song "Because He Lives." The words were written as they were facing fears and trials in their personal lives, and this song was their worshipful expression of the decision they made to turn their focus back on the gospel of Jesus Christ, despite the distractions of their trials in life.So often I am tempted to get distracted by life - sometimes by trials, sometimes by blessings. But when I choose to focus on the truth - the absolute, unwavering, life-altering truth of the gospel, my life is worth living.Jesus died, but he didn't stay dead. He rose from the grave! He lives today! And his grace is mine for the taking. Not only is it mine for the taking at the moment I accepted salvation through grace, acknowledging my sins, and accepting his pardon, but his grace is mine for the taking every day of my life.The decision to accept salvation through grace is a one-time event, but it must be lived out through every day of my life. Jesus was not only alive on the day I accepted salvation, but He is alive today, tomorrow, and forever. The fact that He lives should change every moment, every part of my life.Right now, my current distraction is waiting for children. As my husband Dave and I work towards adoption in hopes of growing our family, it is mind-boggling how many things I find to worry about, to get frustrated by, and to stew over. Has someone hugged my future kids today? Are they doing ok in school? Who tucks them in at night? When will they come home?It's so painful to me that I can't care for my children - knowing they are likely out there somewhere, but with them not knowing that there is a mother just waiting to hold them, hug them, and love them forever. It's painful to not have any control, to not be able to do a single thing to make things happen in my timing.We bought a book of Bible stories the other day to read to our future kids. It's a great book - a collection of 270 excerpts from the Bible, illustrated for children and chronologically arranged. I immediately started marking the stories I wanted to share with our future children first. But as I was flipping through the pages, God reminded me of something: God drew me to himself in His timing. He watched over me and cared for me. He lived and died for me, and rose again because of His overwhelming love for me. He loves my future children just as much. And no matter what, whether the answer is what I would choose or not, He has everything under control. He will work everything for our good and for His glory. "Because He lives, all fear is gone.Because I know He holds the future."Life is worth living because the gospel of Jesus Christ is alive. It's not an old story - it's a current fact. And I don't want to allow anything to distract me from that precious truth. Instead, I want to bring my fears, and troubles to the cross - to the throne of the Living God. Rather than allowing trials to distract me, I want to let God use them to draw me closer to Himself.This year, I am looking forward to Easter even more than usual. I'm going to celebrate the fact that we serve a God who sent His only Son to die on a cross for me. I want to offer God a worshipful expression of a choice that I've made - to live in light of the fact that we serve a Risen King.
Kelli and her husband, Dave, have attended Valley Church since 2006. Kelli has blessed all of us at Valley with her leadership and organizational skills. You can read more about what Kelli has learned from God's goodness at her blog, Taste and See |
 | Good Friday and Easter Services
 | Resurrection and "Love You Des Moines"
by Pastor Quintin Stieff
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When the first disciples met Jesus raised from the dead, a common reaction was to immediately run off and tell others. How can you keep such amazing good news to yourself?
The same is true for us 2000 years later. We want to let others know: "He is risen!"
The Love You Des Moines ministry expansion is about reaching out to the people of our beloved city and helping them to connect to the Living and Risen Christ. There are four main goals of "Love You Des Moines":
1. Bless our community - We are blessed to be a blessing. God has enriched our lives so that we might share the blessing of Christ to everyone we know.
2. Show authentic compassion - Christ-followers see the crowds and are moved with compassion just like Jesus was. "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
3. Connect through outreach - The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost. We are called to the same mission. Through the ♥UDM expansion, we connect through good works with our community. These good works create an environment of good will. And this leads to opportunities to share good news.
4. Love all generations - Our hearts desire is to reach all generations (from birth to old age) for generations to come! The ♥UDM is not a short-term project. It is a profound, life-altering, grace-oriented, relationship-enriching experience for people of all ages... for years and years to come.
May this Easter season be a time when your eyes are opened both to the resurrection power of God in your life and to the great need all around us in our city. May the Risen Christ shine brightly in our lives as we love the people of greater Des Moines.
As Lead Pastor, Quintin's main roles here are to lead the ministry of the Word and prayer, cast vision for the future, encourage and equip other leaders, and serve as a goodwill ambassador of Valley Church to the whole church family and to the greater Des Moines community.
 | Fancy Footwork in the Kitchen - Breakfast at Tiberias |
by Kindra Grider
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I've decided that people fall into two basic categories: those who eat breakfast and those who don't. For example, I have likely never missed a breakfast, but my husband usually requires landing flares to find his morning cup of joe. My research clearly reveals that some folks bound out of bed with thoughts of scrambled eggs, while others hone their strength to unscramble sleepy heads. Breakfast menu preferences extend this curious personality study. You may be the Breakfast at Tiffany's type who, like Holly Golightly, downs coffee and a pastry on the run. For others, though, sans protein is practically an unpardonable offense to those who prefer the Hungry Farmer Plate. On the other end of the scale, there are many who camp on a flax seed and egg white plight.It makes little difference, really, what suits your style, but that you do find something to start your metabolic engine each morning. Dieticians agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Studies show that people who skip breakfast are more likely to have concentration, metabolism, and weight problems. Obviously, the Holly Golightly and the Hungry Farmer fare are not ideal for repetitive consumption, but skipping the meal altogether is far worse.
What if the disciples had skipped their most important meal? I don't mean the usual reference to the last supper, but rather the "first breakfast." We often think of the Last Supper in Luke 22 as the most pivotal culinary application of Jesus' human existence. It was the moment in time that Jesus laid out the impending events of His fleshly death framed by the intimacy of a meal with His disciples. He communicated that, like eating bread and drinking wine, we can be broken and poured out when Christ fills our hearts to purge our human decay. A symbolically grave meal, you might say. But, that's not the final statement. Think of the disciples rowing the boat ashore from the watery Sea of Tiberias with purple and orange hues layering the morning sky. Picture the disciples' weathered feet imprinting the coarse sand as they approached a masterful pile of crackling acacia coals. Imagine the aroma of baking fish and toasting bread wafting past their nostrils when they heard a deep familiar voice announce, "Come and have breakfast." (John 21:12 NIV) The poignancy of the words pierces my heart. The third and last time Jesus appears to them after His death, He made breakfast. He prepared for them not just a simple morning meal, but an instant of awakening, a symbolic meal of fulfillment and assurance. In that moment's gentle gesture on the Tiberias shore, each unique personality knew without a doubt that they had begun the day with the risen Lord.
The "first breakfast" is a glorious part of the Easter story served in an extraordinarily ordinary manner. Only a living Savior can offer the tender most meal of the day in such a powerful, personal way. And because He lives, this child can face the uncertain day ahead, all fear is gone, and life is worth the living. If Jesus invites you to breakfast, don't skip the meal...I guarantee, it will suit you.
Lemon Blueberry Muffins
2 cups white whole-wheat flour
½ cup sugar
2 ½ tsps baking powder
2 tsp grated lemon peel
½ tsp salt
1/8 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1/3 cup cooking oil
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 cup fresh or thawed and drained, frozen blueberries
Brown sugar
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a 12-cup muffin pan. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, lemon peel, salt and nutmeg. In a small bowl, blend oil, egg and milk. Make a well in center of dry ingredients; stir in egg mixture until dry ingredients are barely moistened. Fold in blueberries. Spoon into muffin cups about two-thirds full and generously sprinkle tops with brown sugar. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
Along with her family, Kindra has attended Valley Church for five years. Kindra feeds others from her heart as well as her hands. Kinda also serves on the Deaconess Committee.
 | Purposeful Servanthood
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Join the Valley Quilt group on April 30 to make Comfort Quilts.These quilts are given to women of Valley who are going through a serious illness or difficult time. You do NOT need to know how to quilt or even sew to come and give us a hand. We need people to pray over, cut, iron and pin fabric. The Valley Quilters would love to have your heart, your hands and your help in this Purposeful Servanthood opportunity to bless women in our church. Join the quilters on Saturday, April 30 from 10:00am -3:00pm. We will be meeting at Valley Church in East Central Station.
If you are planning on attending, please RSVP to Laurie Hews at lahews@gmail.com.
Hand in Hand, our special needs ministry continues to develop and touch the lives of many kids, adults and families here at Valley Church and in our surrounding community. It is our desire to follow Jesus' example of reaching out, loving and including our neighbors with disabilities. As we grow so does our need for volunteers and helpers. Both year round and short-term summer opportunities exist! Please join us for an Informational Meeting here at Valley Church on Thursday, April 28th at 7:00 PM to learn how you can get involved. Please contact Gail Oberkircher at gailo@valley-church.com to RSVP.
Hand in Hand ministry is also hiring an intern this summer. Responsibilities include leading our kids' classroom on Sunday mornings as well as helping with some administrative tasks during the week. Please contact Gail Oberkircher at gailo@valley-church.com or 515-226-9973 for more information and to obtain an application.
 | Valley Girls Stepping Up - India, 2011
by Becky Staab, Melynda Soma and Deb Berglund
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On January 3, 2011, three women from Valley joined a 25-member team from several different churches and states to make the approximately 9,000 mile, 18-hour trip to Ahmedabad, India. We were going to participate in a women's conference while others taught pastors and leaders, did medical clinics or had a children's program for about 100 children from the slums. It's tempting to think that we went to India

because we had something to give. The truth is, God took us to India because there were things we needed to get! What did we get?
A broader perspective of Christ's body, the church - how diverse, vibrant and faithful it is! It was amazing to be around such choice servants of God who are following him with energy, passion and joy, in spite of such limited resources and significant opposition. Our Indian sisters in Christ are way ahead of us when you look at what they do with the little they have!
A better perspective on ourselves - how weak and dependent we really are! Being completely out of control and out of our comfort zone allowed us to practice reliance on the Lord. We had the opportunity to experience God's strength very literally made perfect in our weakness. We were dependent on others to speak for us, transport us, prepare food for us, and make all arrangements for us!! Whatever happened in India, the Lord did it!
Here are some of the answers to prayer we experienced:
The Lord helped us figure out how to adjust our three-day plans into two!
The Lord helped us to adjust to a male interpreter and then clearly confirmed that it was His plan.
The Lord helped us come up with a workable plan and time for the tea, even with limited time and without any tables!
We were able to achieve all our goals for the prayer time, and really be blessed in the process, even without the three interpreters we had requested.
We had enough bags, gifts, handouts, etc!
Both on Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning some women shared specific lessons they had learned during the conference: "I learned we are called to be holy," "I learned that when we suffer we participate in the sufferings of Christ," "I learned that we shouldn't focus on ourselves in suffering - maybe God is using it for someone else," "God's Word came alive for me."
We all stayed well. The Lord sustained us all even though both rest and food were a challenge.
Before going to India I had never been outside the United States, except for an hour spent in Canada while visiting Niagara Falls a few years ago! I knew India was going to be quite different from what I was used to, and that it would probably be difficult at times. Even so, I was excited to witness firsthand how God is working in another part of the world and to see Him be worshiped in another culture. I was privileged to experience both of these things while helping with the women's conference in India. While there were many ways in which I was stretched and challenged during the trip, those discomforts were temporary, and the blessings far outweighed the inconveniences. I was humbled to meet many of my Indian sisters in Christ and know that we have a love for Jesus in common, even across so many cultural differences.
During the conference, I was encouraged to see the love the Indian women had for God, and the strength God had given them to withstand persecution and hardships. We had the opportunity to ask the women in what ways we could be praying for God to provide strength, and time after time, the women asked for prayer for their churches to be strengthened and for new believers to come to know Jesus. I was humbled by their focus on the ministry instead of their own hardships. It was a beautiful display of what it means to "consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus.....and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead" (Phil. 3:8-11).
Even though we went to India to encourage and equip the women, our team was immensely blessed in return. It was a big step out of my comfort zone, but I'm so thankful I could go and catch a glimpse of what God is doing in India! It was easy to see how the love of God is transforming lives and bringing hope in the midst of dark places and, that no matter where we live, we all get to play a part in bring glory to Him!
First of all I would like to share that I was not drawn to do a missions trip to India but was listening to the Lord in obedience. I had only done one other missions trip and knew that this trip would stretch me in every aspect of my being. I had heard others talk about India and how rewarding it was but never had a desire to go and even shared with my husband, "any other country but India". Even when our plane left the ground in Chicago my first thought was, "Oh boy, there is no turning back now, as when this plane door opens I will step foot in India!" But, I trusted that there was a reason.
In India I worked with the women on a study of 1 Peter 5:10. The focus of our study was on our suffering in this world and how we are to suffer as Christ suffered for just a short time. I was so impressed with the women and how attentive and interactive they were in their discussion groups and how quick they were to respond when asking for volunteers to read scripture. I found myself reflecting on how different we are in the United States as many of us find ourselves in Bible studies nervous and reluctant to open up and talk or read our Bibles in front of others. In India these women are not free to discuss Christianity, many have been beaten or have lost family due to their belief in our Lord, many are illiterate and yet they are not silent but rejoice in having a chance to come together with other women and worship our Lord and Savior.
I also had the privilege of giving my testimony to the women, and prayed the Lord would bring women who would need to hear what I have to share. I clung to the hope that my testimony would touch and encourage even just one woman. It was two days later that the Lord revealed this person to me but to my surprise it was not a woman that my story had touched the most but instead a man who the Lord had just happened to place in a room entirely full of women. I went to sleep that night weeping and thanking the Lord for allowing me to come to India as I was so very blessed to have such a wonderful opportunity.
I also had another God moment happen. We split the women into three groups and in our groups we were to obtain each woman's name, where they were from in India, and a prayer requests. We were then to take their pictures to make prayer cards upon our return. My interpreter was quite limited in English and so photos and information on the women were taken randomly instead of in a circle as I tried to indicate should happen so the next day we could ask the women to again sit in that order to get further prayer requests. My interpreter also wrote all information on the women, making it very difficult for me to read. The following day I was given an excellent translator and so thought it would be best to just start over with getting the information. We formed our circle and as women joined in, we would separate to make room for them in our circle. I turned on my camera and went to the first picture taken the day before and asked the translator to ask who this was a photo of so that we could get her information. This woman was seated right next to me. After obtaining her information, I showed the second picture and to my surprise, she was seated right next to the first person who was next to me. I went to the third picture and unbelievably she was seated next to the second person. This continued through the entire 11 women. As I showed each picture I kept thinking the next one will be out of sequence but it never happened; even though the women's pictures were taken randomly the previous day, on the second day the women had lined up in our circle exactly as to how their pictures were taken that first day. What an amazing God we have!
The Lord spoke to me one last time during this trip. As our plane was nearing Chicago, my thoughts began to drift to the comforts of home and my own bed. We had been traveling 48 hours since leaving India and had darkness for almost 24 hours due to our flight. I began to feel sorry for myself for when I returned home I would not be going home, nor would I get to sleep in my bed as on December 23 our home suffered smoke damage due to fire in the townhome next to ours. I knew I would be going to hotel for most likely many months and would not sleep in my bed for quite some time. I then opened my window shade as we were told we would soon land. What I saw was the most amazing sunrise over the clouds that was so beautiful my thoughts went right to our Lord and just how blessed I really am. Although I would not be sleeping in my own bed, I have a bed, I have food, I have running water, and most important I can worship my Lord without fear of persecution; luxuries many of the people in India do not have. I fought tears as I thought of the people in India and thanked the Lord for the privilege of going to India and for a new look at my own recent struggle and what is truly important in life.

Please pray for the women of India, that the gospel of Jesus Christ would reach their ears and transform their hearts. Pray for the Indian ministry that Valley Church is partnering with. And...if you would like to pray specifically for one of the Indian women who attended the conference this past January, stop by the church office or contact Debi Lydic for a prayer card. Each prayer card has a photo of and specific prayer requests from one of the women as well as information about India.
 | If the Shoe Fits... Because He Lives...Treasures in Heaven
byJenise Rychnovsky |  |  It's April, it's spring and we are in preparation for the most IMPORTANT holiday! It is because of Easter that We Live! Yes, Easter is a celebration of Jesus rising from the dead, blessing us with Eternal Life.A free gift! A gift that never goes out of style, it never rusts, beaks or depreciates.It is the ultimate gift a real treasure! In Matthew 6: 19-21, we are taught about treasures. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. These verses do a great job of putting treasures into perspective for me. The only treasure we can have forever is the gift of eternal life from Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection. Christs sacrifice is a gift to hold tightly in our hearts, so our actions will reflect His sacrifice. Living out our life as we hold tight to our eternal gift can be a challenge. Each day we are bombarded with other gifts we can easily treasure and hold on to. Gifts the world provides can be enticing and easily put on a pedestal to worship and strive to obtain. These gifts can even appear to be Godly or good. The might be, but when we hold them tightly, they begin to replace our relationship with the Lord. They are no longer good, but are destroying the joy God intends for us to experience. I challenge you to take each day leading up to Easter to reflect on Matthew 6: 19-21. Ask yourself: What does His death on the cross mean to you? What gifts are you storing up here on earth preventing you from experiencing His complete joy? To me, the cross means eternal life filled with unending grace and unconditional love. The Cross bears the foundation of our faith in the Lord. As I read through the gospels, Jesus' life is the perfect life, perfect example of how we too can have the gift of eternal life.Happy Easter Celebration! Jenise Rychnovsky serves the women of Valley Church as a Staff Counselor for Women. Please call 226-9973 to find out more or make an appointment with her. |
 | MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers
by Meaghan Slama
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 Easter is a beautiful time of year. New flowers burst with bright colors, birds sing happy songs, and sunshine fills each day. I love this time of year! Not only is the snow behind us, but we get to eat chocolate bunnies and Cadbury eggs for breakfast. And it gets even better... We have the privilege of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because He lives, we have eternal life. Because He lives, our sins are forgiven. And because He lives, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. The spirit and hope of Easter are something to be cherished and celebrated year round. At MOPS, we gather to devote time to our spiritual lives, as much as we do our mothering lives. We spend time praying for the moms in our group, and idle chatter often leads to meaningful conversations about faith. The foundation of our group is strong relationships and friendships. We learn from one another, are encouraged by one another, and always share a great laugh together. This month, we heard from Kim Stewart, resident author at Valley and we will have Principal Beth Thorton. Kim led us in a lively discussion about her new book, Operation Bonnet, and Principal Thorton will talk with us about school preparedness. We will end the year on May 6 with advice from a local financial advisor. Even if you have never attended a MOPS meeting before, we would love to meet you and hear your story. Our meetings take place in North Point from 9:30 - 11:15 AM, and childcare is provided. What a great morning to grab coffee and enrich your life with meaningful conversation and fellowship while your children play and make new friends of their own. In closing, I would like to say that Easter also makes me more aware of the loved ones I will meet again in heaven. Because He lives, I am able to tell my Papaw how much I wish he had been alive to teach my son to fish and drive a tractor. Because He lives, I can finally ask my Popa what it was like to fight for his country. These are just two of the countless blessings and opportunities for which I am thankful, because He lives. From all of us at MOPS, Happy Easter and remember to take time with your own family to share what you are thankful for "because He lives." Find out more about MOPS at Valley Church at MOPS Meaghan Slama and her husband Tim have attended Valley Church for 3 years. She became the mother of a preschooler 18 months ago when her son Tyler was born. Meaghan is a member of the Valley Church MOPS Steering Team. For more information about MOPS, please contact Valley Church at 226-9973. |
 | Her Steps Summer Bible Study
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This summer will sizzle with Her Steps Summer Bible Study. So slip on your flip flops and step right into one of our studies such as: "Faithful, Abundant, True" by Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, and Priscilla Shirer; or join other summer sisters for an encore of Beth Moore's "David: Seeking a Heart Like His" and for those of you who want to redirect your cravings, "Made to Crave" written by Proverbs 31 Woman, Lysa TerKeurst, is for you. In conjunction with the Made To Crave study you can slip off those flip flops and lace up your sneakers during the second hour to get moving with your Valley Girlfriends in your choice of a Pilates or Zumba class or a Walking group. Check out the April edition of "footnotes flash" (published the week of April 17th) for more details, including dates, time, locations,cost and registration.
 | One Another: Accountability Small Groups for Women |
by Jody Stevenson |  |
One Another Training
Successful leaders have a few things in common. One is that they seek protection and safeguarding by intentionally making themselves accountable. "They do this not because they 'have to' but because they 'want to' and because they understand that accountability is their life line." (M. Kennedy and S. Moses authors of "Heart Friends") They go on to say, "Individuals in the limelight are not alone in the need to be held accountable. Every believer needs the safeguard of accountability. While busyness makes deep relationships difficult , it is possible to enjoy friendships that keep our lives with God on track." Valley's Women's Ministry believes this wholeheartedly,so we've created an opportunity for you to learn how to make this accountability a part of your life. During the training you will hear from women who are already a part of a group, meet others who want to be part of group and learn what the scriptural basis for accountability is. Just today, I was reading from I Corinth ians 12 about the Body of Christ. We were created to work together. Many of us are studying or have studied the life of David. When he secluded himself from his advisers he got into trouble. Let's help one another not get into those compromising situations.
Join with other Valley Women to find out more about "One Another" at our Spring training. This two week training will equip you to start your own accountability group or strenghthen a small group you are already part of.
We have two trainings available for your conveinence.
Wednesday Evenings - April 20 & 27th - 6:30-7:30pm
Thursday Mornings - April 21 & 28th - 9:15-10:15am
Cost: $15.00 (Heart Friends Book)
Register by emailing Gina at ginak@valley-church.com or call the church office at 226-9973. If you are currently enrolled in a Her Steps Winter/Spring Bible Study, you may register through your Session Leader.
 | Women of Faith - Imagine in Des Moines, Iowa!
 |  | IMAGINE a weekend created just for you...with time to laugh, to cry, spend time with friends, be inspired and encouraged, refreshed and renewed. That's what Women of Faith's Imagine Conference is all about! Join with other women of Valley Church for Women of Faith's Imagine, May 13 & 14 at Des Moines' Wells Fargo Arena. Tickets are going fast-we have a limited number remaining. Cost: $79 includes all sessions as well as a boxed lunch on Friday and Saturday. Ticket price will increase to $89 after April 15. Purchase your tickets THIS SUNDAY -APRIL 10th in the Atrium at the Women of Faith display or online at www.valley-church.com/specialevents. For more information, contact group leader Gina Kincade at ginak@valley-church.com. Featuring speakers Lisa Harper, Luci Swindoll, Angie Smith, Kim Cash Tate, and Sheila Walsh Musical guests Mary Mary and Selah Drama by Nicole Johnson and Special guest Dr. Henry Cloud For a preview of some of the speakers that you will hear at Imagine, please visit the Valley Church Women's Ministry Facebook Page. |
 | Coffee, Chocolate & Chat
 | Beth Moore & Living Proof Live - Lincoln, Nebraska!
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Who knew Bible study and worship could be so much fun!
Beth Moore's life-transforming Bible study challenges and inspires women of every age, everywhere. Joining Beth at this weekend event is acclaimed worship leader Travis Cottrell and the Praise Team.

Beth's focus will be on the Scripture that God lays on her heart for each individual Living Proof Live event - no two are the same. As she explores the Bible and how it applies to real life, you'll be amazed by her own experiences as a believer, and you'll be inspired to magnify and strengthen your own relationship with God.
Beth's mission is to guide women everywhere into a richer, more fulfilling relationship with the Father. She is a woman of purpose, preparation, prayer and passion. It's apparent in everything she does, from teaching Sunday School at her home church to sharing her biblical insights and observations in her Bible studies and books.
Each Living Proof Live event is scheduled for Friday, 7:00 - 9:30 p.m., and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. All seats are general admission.
Bring your friends and we'll see you at Living Proof Live - a fun-filled Bible study, teaching, and worship experience to enrich your mind, soul, and spirit!
Dates and Location: June 24-25, 2011 Pershing Auditorium, Lincoln, NE To register, visit http://www.lproof.org
 | Contact Us...
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Debi Lydic- Director of Women's Ministry
Gina Kincade - Administrative Assistant
Valley Church
4343 Fuller Road
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
(515) 226-9973
Women's Ministry Facilitators:
Linda Colby
Connie Stilley
Becky Staab
Emily Holmertz
Changing Our Lives, Changing Our World All Through Jesus Christ