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Papa's Lap
February 19th, 2010
By Greg Tutwiler, CCLC, BCPC
Bob Lenz wrote in his book, Grace; "All the ministries on earth and all the things we do become opportunities to come and sit on God's lap. Come and get to know Me, God's saying. Fall in love with Me. But we're busy, busy, busy. I've got to fight this cause, and make my point. I've got to be heard and stand up for what I believe. I've got to learn more, serve more, build more, share more, and become more. More what? It's time to sit on His lap. It's time to fall in love with Jesus and say, You're the only One who matters."

The theme of this message began in "my mind" as something else. But of course, Father had something else in mind. He usually does. As I pondered my thoughts I sensed in my spirit, "step away for a moment, I have something to talk with you about." What does it look like to pause your busy day for five minutes? Is that enough to ask for the Lord to speak? Does He want more? Of course. But how often do we even give Him an opening in our day to allow His voice to impart truth into our soul. Could you do that right now? Push back from your desk and close your eyes. Crawl up in Papa's lap and listen to what He would like to say.

What I heard was a cold reality check. How can you speak of grace if you're not giving grace? As I began to ponder an area or two in my life where much grace from me is needed at the moment, I had to realize that I wasn't doing very well. And I had to consider that other areas of my life quite possibly could be affected because of it. We are called to be light where there is none. What if it's me one day needing the grace I'm withholding from someone else? I had to ask the question; what if I did the opposite of what I really wanted to do? What would the results be then?

Bob Gass, one of my favorite devotionalists wrote; "Eight times in six verses Jesus tells us to abide (see John 15). Why? Because it's not natural! Jesus knew that in the coming years His disciples would be called upon to produce enough fruit to cover the world. But you can't even begin to have that kind of impact without first achieving the one thing you're likely to neglect, or allow to be crowded out of your life - more of Him."

This isn't really a message about grace. That was for me. Rather, it's a reminder that whatever God has for you personally, you won't get it without seeking an audience with Jesus. As He said, and has been written in many other places throughout Scripture; abiding in Him is the key. That is where the Father's voice comes through. And that is where we get the courage, and the wisdom, and the strength to move forward into where He has spoken.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Greg Tutwiler, CCLC, BCPC

Coach Greg Tutwiler
Greg Tutwiler is a Certified Christian Life Coach (CCLC) by the Professional Christian Coaching and Counseling Academy, a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor (BCPC) by the International Board of Christian Counselors (IBCC), a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), an Affiliate Coach, Certified Discipleship Coach and Coach Trainer with Blueprint For Life Institute, and an ordained minister with the Trinity Institute of Christian Counseling and The United New Testament Church. Greg is co-pastor of TrueLife Church, founder of the Kingdom Life Institute, and is a trained Theophostic Prayer Minister. He is also author of the book, Stand Your Ground, available at, and  the new books Passages, and The Transformational Life Journal . He is author and publisher of, and You can visit his web site at, or email him at
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