CIRTA - Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority

IndyGo Offers Free Travel Training to Service Providers


People unfamiliar with public transportation often feel intimidated by the experience. Some are unsure of how to get on and off the bus, while others are afraid of ending up on the wrong bus altogether.  Some may even find reading a route map confusing. IndyGo's new travel training program helps remove that anxiety by teaching service providers how to better assist their clients with transportation needs.


"When people feel comfortable with public transportation, they are more apt to use it," said Samantha Cross, director of business development for IndyGo.  "Our new 'train the trainer' program will help more residents access Indianapolis-area jobs, healthcare and recreation by giving service providers pertinent information on our bus system and other programs."


Throughout 2011, IndyGo will host four travel training workshops, targeting social service providers, senior citizen services, youth services and international services.  Each workshop will share the same core content, which includes an overview of the bus system, trip-planning exercises, specific how-to-ride information and bike and bus training.  However, IndyGo will focus on issues relevant to the different demographics listed above.  These reservation-based sessions, which are limited to 55 participants, are free to staff and volunteers of Indianapolis-area service providers.


IndyGo will host these workshops at its facility, located at 1501 West Washington Street. The facility is accessible via the Route 8 and free parking is available.  Those interested in participating should contact IndyGo business development coordinator Bryan Luellen at 317.614.9284 or    


Travel Training Schedule 

March - Social Service Providers

March 10 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

March 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


May - Senior Citizen Services

May 12 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

May 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


June - Youth Services

June 9 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

June 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


November - International Services

November 17 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 

November 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Creating a Bike-Friendly City: Lessons from Portland


Mia Birk worked in the City of Portland's Bicycle Program and became known nationwide for her leadership in transforming Portland, Oregon into one of the country's best bicycling and walking cities.  While today 7-10% of people are riding bikes for daily transportation, it wasn't always this way.  Ms. Birk will discuss programs, plans, and policies while sharing experiences and stories that inspired progress toward a bicycle culture in Portland. She'll demonstrate the impact accommodating bicycles has on a neighborhood, a city and the way people in it live.  This free 2-hour seminar is offered by Health by Design on Monday, February 28th from 2pm to 4pm.  More information and online registration can be accessed at


Indiana General Assembly news


The Indiana General Assembly is considering a few bills that have implications for public transportation, planning, and funding.  House Bill 1371 has passed out of the House of Representatives and has been sent to the Senate for consideration.  This bill sunsets the Joint Study Committee on Mass Transit and Transportation Alternatives and establishes the Joint Study Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Assessment and Solutions.  The new commission promises a broader approach to transportation planning at a state level, one that strategically evaluates all transportation options rather than just the current roads and highway approach of INDOT.


HB 1367 passed out the Roads and Transportation Committee on February 14, 2011 and will now go to the full house for consideration.  This bill adds certification and reporting requirements for regional transportation planning entities known as Metropolitan Planning Organizations.  The bill gives a certification role to INDOT in the review of MPO practices and their plans.


HB 1372 would give city councils the authority to call a referendum to fund public transit agencies.  As introduced the bill allows for property tax referendums and/or an environmental impact fee.  The bill was on the calendar for Monday, February 14th, but did not receive a hearing.  The deadline for bills to be out of their house of origin is fast approaching.  Transit advocates are eager to have the bill heard yet this week. 


Information on these bills and others can be accessed via  Contact your state representative or senator for more information and interest regarding this and other legislation.


Federal government news


House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Listening Session

The United States House of Representatives Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure will be hosting a Listening Session with Chairman John Mica (FL-7), Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN-8) and Members of the Committee and Indiana Delegation.  This event will be hosted by Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and the City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works on Saturday, February 19, 2011 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Indianapolis City County Building, Room T-260, 200 E Washington St. Indianapolis, IN 46204.  This event is open to the public, however attendees must RSVP by Thursday, February 17 to Teresa Buckley - or 202-225-4636.  Media inquiries should be directed to Matthew Ballard - or 202-225-4636.


APTA on President Obama's 2010 transportation budget proposal

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is extremely pleased with the federal investment proposed for public transportation and high-speed rail in President Obama's FY 12 budget.


"We applaud President Obama for his leadership and vision in making public transportation and high-speed rail programs a high national priority," said APTA President William Millar. "Given the difficult federal budget environment and the need to grow jobs and the economy, the President's proposal recognizes the difference between spending and investment."


"We're also pleased that he outlines a robust, multi-year authorization bill which includes the creation of a truly multi-modal trust fund that ensures the money intended for surface transportation is spent on surface transportation."


President Obama's investment in public transportation will create American jobs and spur economic recovery.  Public transportation is a proven job creator as every $1 billion invested in public transportation creates and supports 36,000 jobs.  Also, for every $1 invested in public transit, $4 is generated in economic returns.


"We urge the Congress to move expeditiously on the President's budget and authorization proposal," said Millar.


IndyGo's 2010 in numbers


2010 was a year of growth in all areas of IndyGo service.  IndyGo attributes the increase to investments in passenger tools, technology, customer service, transit awareness communications and operational efficiencies.  The 30 fixed routes delivered 8,507,644 passenger trips in 2010, a 3.6% increase over 2009. Open Door, IndyGo's ADA-compliant paratransit service, delivered 250,107 passenger trips in 2010, a 0.6% increase over 2009.  In 2010, S-Pass (monthly pass for college students) usage was at 368,271 rides, 145,400 more than 2009.  IUPUI S-Pass usage, which is separate from the regular S-Pass, was at 356,157 rides for 2010, 56,846 more than 2009.  New bus stop amenities were installed throughout the city: five shelters, eight benches, 19 bike racks, 266 linear feet of sidewalk, two curb ramps, 28 solar shelter lights and four solar bus stop lights. received 433,340 unique web visits in 2010, an increase of 110,388 from 2009.  IndyGo's hardworking customer service team answered 349,237 calls in 2010. They also took 4,848 customer comments, 581 more than 2009.


February CIRTA Board meeting


The next CIRTA Board of Directors meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 9:00 AM at IndyGo, 1501 W. Washington St., Indianapolis.  The public is welcome to attend.  In the event that Indianapolis Public Schools cancels school due to inclement weather, meetings will be postponed and rescheduled for the earliest possible date.  If IPS delays arrival time for the school day, meetings will be held as scheduled. 

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