For some reason, I always think of picnics when I think of Canada Day. Who knows why? But I went looking for a picture of knitting at a picnic and I found this Great British PicKnit: a display of knitted pieces and barnyard scenes with Shaun, the Knitting sheep.
Check out Shaun's website for all kinds of sheepy games and animations. He's very charming.
Meanwhile, you know what they say about the definition of a true Canadian being someone (or presumably two) who can make love in a canoe. Well, what does that say about this young lady? 
Actually this is Juliaknits from Patons blog and she readily admits that this picture was staged, recognizing the need to navigate a canoe and the requirements of knitting are probably mutually exclusive. But it's nice to sit in the canoe anyway, even if it's not going anywhere.
Wherever your summer brings you, please let us come along with a warm weather knitting project. We have a great selection of possibilities. Read on then
Come in and be inspired. |
FIBER GATHERING by Joanne Seiff is a great way to live  vicariously those wonderful fleece getaways all over the US. Joanne has surveyed 10 different Fiber Fests and has brought patterns, designs, recipes and lots of flavour from each. A fun book for the fiberholics among us. Link here to read Sarah White's review of the book.
SUCCESSFUL LACE KNITTING is actually 2 books in 1. The first part is a wonderful look at the work of Dorothy Reade, knitting revolutionary, who believed that beginning knitters could learn how to knit lace if they could recognize the basic stitches and learn to work from a chart. This part also includes a great look at the history of lace knitting. Then the 2nd part of the book has patterns galore of beautiful, achievable knitted lace work - really worth a good look, espcecially for those who've struggled with lace knitting in the past or want to challenge themselves this summer.
MAGNIFICENT MITTENS AND SOCKS by Anna Zilboorg is an update of her previous publication, to include a wonderful selection of socks and is a great choice for a knitting book to get you through the summer. Full of interesting patterns and techniques for the most popular of small projects. Beautiful!
 Death, taxes and the fact that all knitting calendars sell out well before the end of the previous calendar year are the great certainties of our age. It's never to early to grab your 2011 Franklin Habit's Stash of Knitting Cartoons Calendar. Get it while you can! |
The other day, a customer asked: "So, what's good? What do people like to knit with?"
When I thought about it, I was surprised that I hadn't heard this question before just like you would in a restaurant.
So here it is, one of our Customers' Favourites Sirdar BABY BAMBOO but don't let the name and the picture fool you! We sell LOTS of this yarn for gorgeous adult garments too. In the ever practical DK weight with 80% bamboo 20% wool, it has life, drape, sheen, washability, and a real WOW factor that makes it one of the most popular yarns that we carry. And here are a few numbers to boggle the mind: according to our Sirdar sales rep. 10 metric tonnes of Sirdar BABY BAMBOO has been sold in Canada this year. Let me translate for you: that is 200,000 - 50g balls or enough to make 50,000 vests like the one pictured above, or a sweater for every kid in the city of Kingston and the surrounding areas in a single yarn. Can you imagine: every kid in the region wearing a beautiful handknit sweater? Makes you feel warm and cozy just thinking about it. |
Come in and see Alana's version of the "Deirdre Shawl" by Linden Heflin. This lovely scarf/ shawl has all the ingredients for a perfect summer knitting project: light, easy, fun, and completely wearable all year round. Link here for the free download pattern then come and choose any of our 20 or so fingeringweight yarns that are in store now to tempt you.
One of the best resources that you can invest in for a whole season of knitting fun is TAKE ALONG KNITTING, 20+ easy portable projects.
Often "simple" designs translate to mean boring in style and look but I was blown away by the beauty of these simple projects: scarves, hats, socks, bags and even absolutely gorgeous knitted wire leaf earrings. This book would keep you inspired way beyond a summer's worth of knitting.
-You might get a kick out of the Knitted bikini pattern from Canadian Living but while you're at their site, there is an inexhaustable supply of terrific knitting patterns at all skill levels for everything from a toy airplane to a knitted chair.
Last week I counted over 20 different book titles for sock knitting in the store, not including individual pattern sheets. Admittedly, some are for the gusto seeking knitters, but many are well within the average skill range. Socks are a favourite with year round knitters as they are portable, affordable and always appreciated.
Finally, you can never be at a loss for fun and fast knitting patterns if you have access to the internet. Ravelry, Knitty.com and Knitting Pattern Central are just a few of the online sources for patterns to keep you entertained all summer. Meanwhile, you can begin by keeping your Ipod cozy with this free pattern for a tiny cricket style vest designed by Aneeta Patel from Knitting SOS |
Looking for some charity knitting/crocheting to do this summer?
 Through the wonderful generosity of some of our customers and their families, PROJECT LINUS has received a quantity of yarns suitable for knitting blankets for the children in our area who are in need of a bit of security.
The next time that you visit us at WOOL-TYME Kingston, check out the donation basket at the back of the store and think about picking up a bag of yarn to work into your own "blankie" creation. Just register the bag with our staff person then work up any pattern, any size, knit, crochet, whatever you prefer AND no time pressure- return it when it's done.
We'll take care of getting it in to the hands of a little someone who really needs it.
What's on Janette's needles?
As we spend our days with customers, we get a chance to see what really works as they are drawn to a particular pattern over and over again. This little cutie is probably the most popular kids' sweater that we've ever had in the store and Janette is making it up now for a special little man in her life.
One of the big draws of this pattern, besides its classic and simple look is the yarn: MARBLE DK. It wears beautifully, washes well and has such a nice colour range and blending in the stripes.
Of course, you can use any of our DK yarns to create so many other looks - it's a new design each time you knit it. |
Here's just a reminder that the next time that you're in the WOOL-TYME Kingston store, you might want to check out our little unofficial lending library, where customers have donated books that they've enjoyed and wish to share with others. Lots of great knitting fiction and others too. |
 Travel Tip for laundry
For those who are fans of our EUCALAN laundry liquid and for those who haven't yet discovered how wonderful it is...Here's a great tip for summer packing: The small bottles, 50ml size are just the thing for sink washing between trips to the laundromat.
The amazing advantage of Eucalan over other washing solutions is that despite its great ability to actually get your clothes clean and smelling nice while treating them gently, it is all done without the need of rinsing, which is a major bonus when time and space are precious. At just $3.99/bottle, you can have one in every suitcase or knapsack.  |
Andrea Graham's felted artworks are known far and wide, and she is now offering 2 of her specialized techniques in workshops next fall. This is an opportunity to learn from the best, right close to home.
Link here for her list of fall classes and take in the installation pictured below at the Union Gallery at Queens' Stauffer Library.