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725 Gardiners Rd, Kingston ON
for further information about products or to place an order - Call or e-mail us at
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April 2010
Chicks in a row
The Easter Parade has arrived.  
Here in Kingston, we've been enjoying a wonderful spring a bit early this year, and we're already in the mood to enjoy some light spring knitting. Over the next few weeks, we'll be continuing to add to our new colours in our traditional favourite light yarns and we will also be receiving some great new blends in all the latest colours. Check out our free pattern at the bottom of this newsletter for a look at our newest: COTTON SUPREME BATIK, which will soon be joined by COTTON SUPREME in a miriad of glorious colours. 
It may be a bit late to make much for Easter, but these little guys take no time at all. Click here to get the free pattern. I can just see them in Sirdar's popular SNOWFLAKE Chunky.
at WOOL-TYME Kingston
Bushels of socksIt's something that I usually try to avoid but...some time in the middle of winter I must have ordered 5 different sock yarns and had them all scheduled to arrive in the middle of March.
Not the best idea, BUT what bounty!
It's an absolute droolfest for avid sock knitters. Bamboo, Cotton/spandex, wool/nylon in so many different shades and colour variations. Get yourselves down here for the pick of the crop. 
black logo 
Did you know that CASCADE 220 worsted weight wool is considered to be the best selling yarn in North America, and it certainly holds true at our store. Now, these smart folks have put together a terrific book specifically suited for this yarn : 60 QUICK60 Quick Knits KNITS 20 Hats, 20 Scarves, 20 Mittens. It's brilliant! And with something for every skill level, it's a book that will grow with your expertise.
 I've just taken some time to really look at our newest "How To" knitting book, and it really is Fearless Knitting Workbookquite different from many on the market.
FEARLESS KNITTING WORKBOOK, The Step- by-Step Guide to knitting confidence is essentially a self directed knitting class. This is a book for someone who wants to fill in the knowledge gaps that still persist after learning how to knit and yet still  the nagging question remains: "What's the best way to do...?"  Through a series of swatches, knitters are guided through the ins and outs of the construction of knitting. A must for any budding designers, who want to learn how to produce designs that actually resemble what they see in their head.

Knitting on the net

KNITTING (and crochet) on THE NET (and elsewhere).

 According to Google Canada, the word "crochet" was the 5th most searched how-to term among Canadians in 2009 trailing only behind: "kiss", "draw", "flirt", and "meditate". I would say that those top 5 make for quite an interesting picture of what being a Canadian is all about. Does that mean that we know how to do everything else, but are basically shy in the flirting/kissing categories?
In a recent issue of the publication AM New York, the article  "Ways to Fight Dementia in your 20s, 30s, and 40s" listed knitting among its six recommendations. So when supper preparations are falling behind as you work your way through "just one more row", you can tell your family that with your knitting you are investing in your brain's health and welfare and thinking only of their future.
knitting appsAnd all of you "i-ophiles" who couldn't be without your iPhones and iPodTouch devices, here's a list of Apps that will help in your knitting world:
iKnit Needle Sizer, KnitGauge, Knitty Bag (tracks your needle stash), Knitting Yarn Calculator, KnitBuddy (keeps notes on projects), YarnStash and lots of others.
All are available from iTunes from free to $4.99. Check out Ravelry to see how others like their versions before you commit.
Lynn's Easter Basket
felted Easter Basket
Ravelympics 2010
 Link hereto the Ravelympic Wrap up thread where pleople have posted what they learned through their experience of 15 days of knitting and watching The Vancouver Olympics 2010 and the best that winter sports has to offer. 
Here are a few things that I learned by reading the thread:
-There is a girl named Jen who lives in a town called Saskatoon in  GEORGIA, USA, and another named Lisa who lives in Saskatoon, NOVA SCOTIA!
-Ravelry really is a worldwide phenomenon: from Torbay, Nfld/Lab. to Vienna, from Dublin to Queensland Australia, From Germantown, Tennessee to Saarland, Germany, people posted their coments on this thread.
-There are some really wonderful emblems that people use to represent themselves on Ravelry: like the terrific felted Easter Basket above, and don't you love the Freak Out sign below? (It represents Nadine from Saarland in Germany.)
-And finally, as someone on the thread put it: 
One can learn a lot from reading what others learned!

Keep Knitting

The Cowichan Sweater Debate
Well, with both sets of Vancouver 2010 Games behind us, we're back to looking for some good television to watch during our knitting time. Many knitters have also Team Canada Sweaterbeen inspired to try and recreate their own version of the beautiful sweaters that Team Canada wore at the Closing Ceremonies shown here at right.
 You can link through the picture to the article in the Vancouver Sun  on the contreversy about the rights to knitting these Cowichan inspired sweaters.
Authentic Cowichan SweaterAnd here is my own real  Cowichan sweater which I was lucky enough to find and "rescue" recently in a second hand shop in Montreal. It's a beautiful example of the workmanship and design that makes a truly authentic Cowichan sweater worthy of praise. You can link through the picture to the site that explains the process by which the the Native knitters create them.
 Vogue Magazine recently declared the Cowichan Sweater to be the only uniquely Canadian knitting tradition, and knitters across Canada have embraced this style of knitted bulky sweater for generations. I had a Mary Maxim sweater with horses; my brother's had trains. How many curling sweaters have we seen around over the past 50 years?
Canadian Living's Reindeer Sweater from Patons.
Reindeer sweater
In the spirit of connecting with the original and current Native knitters from the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, we've found a few patterns available on line in the Cowichan style. Just click on each of the pictures to link to the patterns, then come and see us for help in choosing just the right yarn for this truly Canadian project.
Inuk "Chuck" sweater by Muggins, $6.95USD to download/through Ravelry.
Inuk Chuck sweater
What a great time to bring out our fresh new spring designs.
  Above we have the glorious new yarn from Noro called AYA, a lighter blend of cotton, silk and wool. Link here to see more of this lovely yarn done up in great new patterns by Jane Ellison. 
Cotton Supreme Batik Baby jacket
I can't say enough about Universal Yarns new COTTON SUPREME BATIK. Soft as can be, gorgeous colours, amazingly washable, it is the cotton for those who've been disappointed by knitting cottons in the past.
See our free pattern below for the WORLD"S GREATEST DISHCLOTH. 1 ball makes 2 dishcloths, which is a good thing as it's so beautiful and soft that you won't want to give it away. 
CLASSES in April
bulky baby jacket
 There are still a couple of spots left for Part II of our SWEATER BOOT CAMP. Pick up a kit to knit up this great little sweater and join us on Sat. April 10th for the finishing class. A terrific, hands on way to learn the best techniques to finishing your knitted projects.

needle felting

 NEEDLEFELTING PLAYTIME Give yourself an afternoon to come and play. This introductory class will help you learn  the basics of needlefelting to embellish on flat fabric surfaces, or to create 3 dimensional characters. All materials supplied.
Saturday, April 17th.

felted knitting bag

Illusion Knitting
Isn't that cool? It's called ILLUSION KNITTING and WOOL-TYME Kingston is offering a class on Sat. April 24th. Come and learn the secret of creating your own surprise pictures within a simple pattern. Great for scarves, hats, dishcloths, vests.  Rachel Bearse of the ever popular Swatchless blog is here to show you how. 
Link here for more information and call the store at 613-384-3951 to sign up for any of these wonderful classes.
Don't be fooled!
 Check out APRIL'S

Dates to remember

 Friday, April 2nd, we will be closed for Good Friday BUT will be open on Easter Monday, April 5th from 9:30-5:30 for those of you who have a day off and want to browse.
As mentioned above, 3 of our Saturday's this month are booked at WOOL-TYME Kingston for classes. Check it out.
April is always anxiously awaited by crafters in this part of the world for the coming of the Creativ Festival at the International Centre in Missassauga, April 23rd to 25th.  
And for those who want to get spring underway a bit early, you can head to Atlanta, Georgia from April 23rd to the 26th for STITCHES SOUTH, a great regional knitters get together.
 Knitting BuddhaKnitting Tip of the Month :
  The best way to learn is by doing.
 So often we have customers who are looking for that next level of project that will take them beyond the scarf or the dishcloth. They're not quite ready for the commitment of a sweater, and socks/mitts/hats are not what I'd necessarily recommend unless they have someone to help them every step of the way as those projects each have their own little peculiarities.
 My favourite suggestion is the "sampler" bag or pillow or baby blanket or afghan. There are quite a few great collections of books, both for knit and crochet, that offer a tremendous selection of squares of various stitches that may be assembled to produce a useful piece.
There are so many reasons to go this route: 
- you don't have to feel intimidated by working to a specific size,
- you learn one step at a time, moving by baby steps to the next level of learning difficulty,
- you are creating your own design by selecting the stitch samples that you want to incorporate and finally, 
- you don't have to feel like it's a project that needs to be completed this month, or even this year. It's an on going work in progress, a learning experience where you can jump right in and worry about defining it's use when you see how many squares you get completed before you feel ready to take your next challenge.
Do you have any knitting, finishing or fibre care questions that you'd like answered? If you do, others probably have the same question too. Please e-mail me at wooltymekingston@gmail.com and we'll see about adding it to this Knitting Tip of the Month space.
April's Free Pattern
World's Best Dishcloth
I've always been shy about admitting that I generally don't like knitted dishcloths finding them too bulky to do a good job at getting into tight spots, but this design has completely changed my attitude. 
I was making a diamond swatch of our wonderful new COTTON SUPREME BATIK but I ran out of time and so changed the shaping a bit and cast off the stitches in the middle of the diamond. I wanted to check how it would wash and realized that it was a wonderful shape for all kinds of cleaning jobs.
Try it! Seriously, it may completely revolutionize the knitted dish cloth world. So quick and easy that you might even be able to get a few done for Easter...but for Mother's Day for sure.
Click here for WOOL-TYME Kingston's ever popular website of free patterns