WOOL-TYME Kingstonlogo Kingston Newsletter
725 Gardiners Rd, Kingston ON
for further information about products or to place an order - Call or e-mail us at
613-384-3951        wooltymekingston@gmail.com
August 2009
Welcome AUGUSTSunflower 
I love sunflowers. There is something about their symmetry, their consistent perfection, their vibrant colours that make me feel that I can depend on them.
Last week, for the first time in my life I bought a bunch of sunflowers at the farmer's market to brighten up my dining room, making up for the sad lack of flowers from my own garden (due to my own inattention.) They were simply glorious...for 3 days. Then a layer of the most unnaturally beautiful yellow powder completely covered that side of the piano like a fluorescent snowstorm.  At that point, they became outside plants!
sunflower and lady bug dolls.
Thanks to the Twist Collective and their excellent collection of patterns available on-line, you can celebrate the latter days of summer by knitting one of these "Ladybug and Sunflower" cuties designed by Jennie Eveleigh Lamond in CASCADE 220, our best selling yarn.
Cascade SOFT SPUNLast week we received a shipment of this most exquisite SOFT SPUN yarn from Cascade. I instantly fell in love with its look and feel. The only problem was that I couldn't remember ordering it.
I was relieved to find out that I had previously fallen in love with it when I first saw it at the distributor's Open House...last NOVEMBER which is when I had put in the order. But now I need your help: I had picked some basic colours to get started, and now that I see how truly beautiful it is (100%Peruvian highland wool, overdyed and gently spun) I want to get more colours in. Link here to the colour chart and let me know what your favourites are. E-mail me at wooltymekingston@gmail.com and we'll see what we can do.
By the way, if you click on the picture above, you can download the free pattern from the Cascade site.
 This is always such exciting times in the store as we anxiously Lana Grandeawait the arrival of new yarns (that I remember ordering.) On the list of our August arrivals is POM: Europe's latest craze of yarn laced with playful tufts of wool, LANA GRANDE from Cascade, a glorious tone on tone bulky yarn in 8 gorgeous colours; a lace, merino yarn from ELLA RAE with long space dyed repeats; and a new collection of buttons and shawl pins to enhance your favourite projects.,
Socks from the Toe Up
Wendy Johnson, of WendyKnits.net has compiled a terrific book SOCKS FROM THE TOE UP for that growing group of sock knitters who prefer to create their footwear beginning at the toe. "Knitting a sock from the toe up saves yarn and always gives a perfect fit," says Wendy. It's been my experience among our customers that once you've tried it and gotten the hang of this technique, you're hooked.
Knitting More Circles around Socks.
And from Antje Gillingham, we have another fun sock technique: KNITTING MORE CIRCLES AROUND SOCKS featuring the "two at a time" technique  on circular needles, thereby avoiding the second sock syndrome. (Those who are not familiar with the second sock syndrome, i.e. who finish a full pair of socks every time- are a blessed bunch indeed!) Again, socks on circulars is an addictive innovation to the sock knitting world. Try it!
non-skid sock saversA tip for ALL sock/slipper knitters: Finally, an easy and inexpensive way to keep your knitted footwear from sliding all over the floor: buy a sheet of the rubberized mesh shelf liner, available in the kitchen aisle at DOLLARAMA, and cut oval pieces to be fastened under the heel and the ball of the foot. (Largish stitches will work best to allow the sock/slipper fabric to stretch.)
 COMING SOON: I feel like old mother Hubbard and her hungry dog when it comes to some of our sock yarns...the cupboard has been pretty bare lately. But this scarcity will only make you more excited to see all of the new sock yarns and colours of old favourites on their to us in the next few weeks, including 2 wonderful new darker shades in On Your Toes Bamboo, and a whole new surprise line from Jawoll. I love surprises!
We need HELP!
Members of afghan squaresBreast Cancer Action Kingston have been as busy as little beavers, knitting up squares to turn into lap afghans for patients at Quinte Lodge, undergoing chemotherapy. We have enough squares for about 20 of these blankets and are having trouble keeping up with the demand. If you are a crocheter who would like to help us to join these squares and finish them off with a simple crochet border, we would be ever so grateful. Please contact me by e-mail or call the store and we'll be in touch. (Directions and all supplies happily furnished.)
 knitting for soldiers
As announced in July's newsletter, WOOL-TYME Kingston will be sending a package of treats to our Canadian Forces overseas and you still have until Aug. 15th to drop off your donations.
We've had lots of enthusiastic support from our customers and people have started to drop off their contributions, but I just wanted to remind you that the deadline is firm: Santa has a long way to haul this stuff.
Please call or email us for a list of knitted and non-knitted gifts that would be so greatly appreciated by our troops overseas. wooltymekingston@gmail.com, 613-531-0992.
knitting on the netKNITTING ON THE NET
felted dryer ballThis may look like a regular ball of yarn to you but it is actually a "dryer ball" in the making. Link here for directions on creating these practical balls of fun that work remarkably well.
Miriam Tegels of the Netherlands holds the Guinness world record, knitting 118 stitches in 1 minute. Link above or on the picture for a demonstration and a list of Miriam's secrets.
 Franklin HabitFranklin Habit fans and poetry fans and all knitters will enjoy Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Knitter. The drawings are remarkable and the poetry ever true.
felted knitting bag 
 As a special treat to entice our customers with a bit of luxury, we've decided to feature our entire stock of Sublime's glorious: Cashmere, Merino, Silk DK. These 2 patterns are just a few of the glorious designs available for this yarn, or choose your favourite DK pattern from our wide selection in stock.
AND THIS MONTH YOU CAN treat yourself with this bit of luxury for 
 15% OFF!
Sublime Cashmere, merino DK 
Fall lessons 
Early in August, I'll be setting the schedule for this fall's line up of classes. The following classes will be available so be sure to mark it in your calendar to register later on this month:
I'm mentioning the up coming schedule for 2 reasons:
1- To let you know that we are always looking for interesting topics for classes that we can offer our customers. If you have a particular knitting, crochet or rug hooking problem that you'd like to have offered as a class, please contact me at wooltymekingston@gmail.com or call the store. We'd love to hear from you.
2- To remind you to check the WOOL-TYME Kingston blog after the middle of the month for a sneak preview of what's available.
Meanwhile full details will be here in the next newsletter.  
Dates to remember August
knitting activities

-For those who have the inclination to visit Australia: beginning  last Wed. July 29th and continuing until Aug. 31st 2018, The Chicks with Sticks group will be meeting at the Urban Life Cafe for some charity knitting in Ringwood East, near Melbourne . Now those are people who know how to plan ahead.  
-Tuesday, Aug.18th, the Kingston Knitting Circle will be meeting at Chapters Community Room from 7-9pm for some chat and stitching fun. Please join us.
-Rug hookers, new and experienced are encouraged to join us at WOOL-TYME Kingston on Wednesday Aug. 12th and 26th from 6:30-8:30.  Come and see what this time honoured to craft has to offer you fibre fans.
-Every Wednesday evening, a group of avid knitters has been meeting at the Loyal Oarsman pub at 7pm in the mall behind McDonald's on Bath Rd, west of Days Rd. They would love to welcome new friends.
-LESSONS and Knit and Chat continue through the summer at the WOOL-TYME Kingston store. Times are Tuesdays from 1-3pm and Thursday from 6:30-8:30pm. Please contact the store for further information at 613-384-3951
knitting zodiac
summer 2009 
Want to know what the knitting stars have in store for you this summer? Link here to Knit 1 magazine's Knitstrology horoscope.  
 Knitting Tip of the Month :
Make your PATTERN your friend and working companion.
 When I talk about your "pattern" here I'm referring to the actual piece of paper that holds the secrets to most successful knitting projects. Here are some tips to make the pattern pages work for you: 
1. Always have a copy of the full pattern enlarged and printed so that you can have lots of space in the margins for notes etc. This can be done for you at Staples for a few cents per page and it would be worth 100 times that if it avoids just one serious ripping back situation.  
 2. Use a highlighter pen to mark the numbers that refer to the size that you are working.
3. Keep a pen/pencil handy and check off what you have completed. Use post-it notes to "underline" the row you are working, either on a chart or in directions.
4. Use the back of the copy for creating rowcharts that will allow you to map out ahead of time the rows on which you should be decreasing, patterning, or increasing, especially when you have to do more than one of these at a time.
5. Never try and keep anything in your head - write it down. I know that now that I'm in my 50's it's hard to imagine that I could ever keep anything in my head,- but no one of any mental capacity should ever have to measure, count or rip back more than once per section. 
Do you have any knitting, finishing or fibre care questions that you'd like answered? If you do, others probably have the same question too. Please e-mail me at
wooltymekingston@gmail.com and we'll see about adding it to this Knitting Tip of the Month space.
August's Free Pattern
felted ballsFelted Balls
This has been one of the "funnest" projects that I've had the opportunity to design. These felted and fiberfill stuffed knitted balls have dozens of uses: baby and toddler toys, a base for stuffed animals, cat nip toys,  decorations for Christmas and other events. Let your imagination run wild as to colour combinations and uses. (My favourite is the little basketball in the back.)
These ball shapes can be made of worsted weight felting yarn (the 3 in the back) or in chunky weight (turquoise and lime.) Using the simple technique of short rows and a very easy to follow pattern, you can achieve the tomato shape of the red ball in back or a real sphere.
A great project for experimenting with the short row technique. grafting, different cast ons, and machine felting your projects.
 Link here to our pattern site for your own copy, or ask the staff at the WOOL-TYME Kingston store.