Notes to Selfnews and ideas from
The Learning Space
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED -- two new programs and two continuing programs accomplished our goal of providing experiential learning opportunities integrating different fields of knowledge & Bowen theory.
Physiology & Family
In the 1970s, Valdeane Brown met Dr. Bowen during professional grand rounds at Georgetown Hospital. Forty years later, Dr. Brown's vision of a systems-based technology, Zengar, met Bowen family systems theory in a dialogue to integrate understanding of the brain and the family relationship system.
The conversations resulted in a one-day conference, Resiliency in the Family & the Brain, which brought together two groupings of learners - practitioners of Bowen theory & Zengar neurofeedback trainers. This seminal conference highlighted a new way of thinking toward integrating the system of the family and of the brain.
Family Enterprise
Navigating Systems, a training program in Bowen family systems theory for experienced professionals in the field of family enterprise, completed its beta year. The success of this program was invigorating. Even with substantive experience, these professionals appreciate that there is more to learn about how families function over the generations and how to manage oneself more effectively.
The creative integration of neurofeedback, learning immersives & online webinars assisted individual ability to integrate ideas of Bowen theory in their personal lives & in their professional work. Navigating Systems' continuing training begins in October.
Living Theory As practitioners & trainers in Bowen theory, each of us at The Learning Space has come to understand that Bowen theory is more than an academic experience or a technique. It is to be lived.
This is the principle upon which Emergence of Self was developed 4 years ago. It is a vehicle for those of us who take seriously the integration of the ideas of Bowen theory in our personal lives and in what we do professionally. Emergence of Self is structured to allow each participant to gather one's thinking about their own differentiation of self to a group of colleagues who are equal participants in their own efforts.
Impact of Breath
Beginning its summer hiatus, the ongoing Breathing Meditation workshop recently completed its fourth season. This physically experiential workshop increases accurate self-observation while promoting reflection on self and one's own mind-body functioning.
There is more or less emotional reactivity in one's important relationships. A byproduct of the stress response can be to hold the breath or breathe rapidly. The ability to balance one's breathing can quite literally cool the brain down and promote clarity of thought and response. Breathing Meditation workshops will resume in the fall.
Coming Up In the coming months we continue to explore 'learning' and look towards the next generation of Brain-Family Systems learners.
Enjoy the summer,

Glennon, Priscilla, Donna, Kathy & Regina